Buying Software Sucks

Rob Leon
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2018

Most of the software on my computer is licensed using the subscription model.

I don’t buy software.

Not in the traditional sense.

I also don’t use any pirated software.

But that’s another conversation.

I appreciate the simplicity of the subscription model.

I can use software in the cloud.

Or I can run software on my desktop.

Either way.

The subscription model works for me.

But as fate would have it.

I still have one app on my computer that’s licensed the good old fashion way.


I don’t enjoy upgrading it mostly because of the way it’s licensed.

Which is…

If you want the new version.

You need to buy it again.

So every two years or so when there’s a new version.

If I want it.

I need to shell out several hundred dollars.

Even if you budget for it.

It’s still an inconvenience.

I don’t know about you but for me subscription software rocks.

For typically a low monthly fee you get software that is up-to-date, patched, maintained and supported.

I never have to worry about upgrading to the next big version.

I just incrementally update my way there through a built-in update mechanism.

I am always on the latest version.

And it helps me run a computer that is…

Always up-to-date.

Always ready to go.

Ready to go for my next big idea.

So yeah.

Buying software sucks.

