Hurricane Proof Cell Phone

Rob Leon
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2017

I’m sitting here reflecting one week after hurricane Irma.

What was originally forecast as a major threat to my little city of Hollywood Florida ended up being a little more-than-slight kick in the butt.

While we were fortunate to not get the full force of hurricane Irma — what we got was still pretty serious.

Trees were knocked down.
Power was lost.
Homes were damaged.
The power was out.

But the biggest inconvenience of all was no cell phones.

Mind you it wasn’t all carriers.

AT&T was up.
Verizon was up.

Everyone else was down.


T-Mobile was down.
Sprint was down.
MetroPCS was down.
Virgin Mobile was down.

For me this was a lesson learned.

The carrier that I depended on for many years T-Mobile let me down.

As a matter fact T-Mobile let millions of people down.

Where were the battery back ups?
Where was the redundancy?

AT&T and Verizon had it — and you would’ve thought with all the commercials on TV everyone else would’ve had it.

But they didn’t.

Carriers talk about coverage but they don’t talk about redundancy.

It’s little things like this or better said — it’s big things like this that make a difference.

Our technology choices can affect us in many ways.

Choosing your cell phone provider on price is not always the best choice.

I’m switching cell providers.

Should you?

Well that’s up to you to decide.

The reliability I had when living in California didn’t follow me to Florida.

I need a hurricane proof cell phone.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, I’d appreciate a few 👏’s.
It would mean a lot to me and it helps other people see the story.

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