Is It Time To Switch from iPhone to Apple Watch?

The once magical iPhone has become just a boring old phone.

Rob Leon


To be honest, my iPhone 8 Plus is getting a little long in the tooth.

And still, with every iPhone release since — I’ve had reasons to hold.

Faster processor? Nah

Better camera? Nope

No home button? I like my button!

But there’s something else.

Over time, I have found myself using my iPhone less and less.

I literally use like a handful of apps on the thing.

All the initial promises of productivity have vanished into just a few apps that I use on a daily basis.

The once magical iPhone, at least to me, has become just a boring old phone.

Sure, the world has gone mobile.

Sure, more people view the world through a mobile phone than anything else.

And still, for me, my iPhone has become this thing I lug around just in case I need it.

So if the world is mobile — why am I less mobile?

As I thought about this question a little more it became apparent that I am quite mobile.

