IT Provider Invoice Tear-Down

A look into an IT provider’s invoice to help a business understand what they’re paying for.

Rob Leon



One of the things I do is help companies figure out their tech costs.

This includes not only figuring out what their current costs are but also getting those costs in the right accounting buckets, and then, last but not least, figuring out an appropriate tech operating budget.

I’m currently working on such a project for a client reviewing their current IT providers invoice.

To be frank, it’s a mess.

Which led me to the following idea.

Why don’t I do a tear-down of their current providers invoice?

It’s a common challenge so why not address it head-on.

The challenge most clients face is this…

I don’t understand my IT provider’s invoice?

What the heck am I paying for?

Is it right?

By doing a tear-down, we’ll see if we can answer these questions.

Here’s the invoice detail.

