Laptop Versus Desktop For Work

Rob Leon
Published in
1 min readJul 17, 2018

A common question I get asked is…

Should I buy my staff laptops or desktops?

The answer is well… It depends.

Today I thought I’d share some of the more obvious and less obvious reasons why you would choose one over the other.

Reasons for buying a laptop.

You can work from anywhere.
You can move around the office.
You will feel more connected to your office job.
You will likely do more work.
You’re disaster recovery ready.
You have a built-in video conference abilities.

Reasons for buying a desktop.

It costs less.
It won’t get lost.
It won’t get dropped.
It can have a lot of horsepower.
Your risk of getting hacked will be less.
You can have multiple monitors all the time.
It lasts longer.

Short and sweet.

Yes it is.

Got any questions?

Let me know.





I share my experience and knowledge in the tech space to help make tech better in small business America. I give with no expectation of receiving. I really do — just want to help you get the tech right in your business.

Rob Leon
Rob Leon

Written by Rob Leon

Editor of Build a Better Cloud on Substack. ⛅️ Join here.