Plan Build Operate

Rob Leon
Published in
1 min readFeb 26, 2019

The world of tech is a perpetual cycle of plan-build-operate.

Technology is constantly moving forward.

Sometimes in big steps and sometimes in small ones.

Managing your tech is a 3 step process.

I like to call it…

Plan, Build, Operate.


Planning involves research, awareness, requirements and understanding.

Think of it as a roadmap that’s regularly reviewed and updated.


Building involves installing new apps, devices, and services.

It encompasses adding parts and pieces as you grow.

And as things change in your business.


Without rock-solid operations all the goodness of planning and building goes out the window.

Operating is where the practice of manage, monitor and maintain lives.

All three areas are interrelated.

They work with each other to help your business compute in the most efficient manner possible.

Each area builds upon one another.

With the right plan — building and operating a tech environment becomes easier.

Does your business have someone at the helm to handle your plan-build-operate?

