Tech To Your Hustle

Rob Leon
Published in
1 min readApr 23, 2017
Tech To Your Hustle

I’m a big fan of the hustle.

I enjoy listening to Gary Vaynerchuk, Grant Cardone and others who inspire entrepreneurs to live their dreams.

I’m also a firm believer that technology can help you realize your dreams.

To get your hustle on…
You are going to need an email address
You’re going to need online social media accounts
You are going to need a web site
You’re going to need a way to take in revenue
You’re going to need a billing system
You’re going to need a customer relationship management system
You’re going to need an email marketing platform

…and you’re going to need a lot of other stuff.

The entrepreneurs that get their tech right or at least working towards it will always have the advantage..

They are the ones we want to follow.

They are the ones that command our attention.

You can hustle as much as you want — but if your tech is it right you will never elevate your game.

So let’s get your tech right and elevate your hustle.





I share my experience and knowledge in the tech space to help make tech better in small business America. I give with no expectation of receiving. I really do — just want to help you get the tech right in your business.

Rob Leon
Rob Leon

Written by Rob Leon

Editor of Build a Better Cloud on Substack. ⛅️ Join here.