When You’re Not An Expert

Rob Leon
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2019

Some days in spite of all your best efforts — you come up short as an expert.

Sometimes your answers are not the best answers.

Sometimes your advice is not the best advice.

Sometimes you fail at meeting the expectations of others.

It’s fair to say, that this road we call life, can be challenging sometimes.

So when you come up short.

And you will.

All you can do…

Is your best in the moment.

And still sometimes our best in the moment is still not enough.

When this happens.

All you can do is this…

Pick yourself up.

Dust yourself off.

And continue on.

The sooner the better the better.

Right away if possible.

There’s nothing wrong with being an expert.

There’s nothing wrong with failing at being an expert.

As a society we place a huge stigma on failure.

So much so that people will lie and cheat to hide their failures.

And while there are many people who talk about learning from failure, embracing failure, growing from failure and never giving up.

The reality is this.

Most people are scared to death of failure.


It takes a lot of self awareness and personal growth to figure out that the failure fallacy is just that.

A fallacy.

So yeah, someday’s your brand of expert will be a little less shiny.

Especially on the days you make a mistake.

And that matters.

But how it matters is up to you.

How you act in that moment is up to you.

The choice is yours.

I hope you chose to move forward.

It really is the better option.

