Development update: October 2018

Danijel Pančić
Published in
1 min readOct 9, 2018

New features

  • Team admins can now generate an invite link that they can send to any other members to join their team
  • Players can now add their bio and experience to be displayed on their profile


  • Front page layout & content changes: added 3 latest blog posts/news updates, a list of latest posted offers, and a list of newest teams to the front page.
  • Updated front page copy and visuals to better communicate what GewdGame is.
  • Front page and login & registration pages are now fully responsive.


  • Fixed a team page bug which produced an error if no team image was present.
  • Fixed some style and JS issues on the front page.
  • Added some mobile-friendly style fixes for the whole page (not 100% covered yet).
  • Team page leave button was not displaying correctly and is now visible only when the user is able to leave a team.

