It’s Launch Time! GewdGame Beta is Open

Vesna Drofenik
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

It’s been an intense few months for us, and hopefully, not too long of a wait for our incredibly supportive community. We are thrilled to announce that the GewdGame beta service is finally available!

By creating a user account on GewdGame, ambitious players will soon be able to access a wealth of tools and connect with peers in order to flesh out their skillset in popular esports titles, including Dota 2, League of Legends, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Without further ado, here’s how you can take your first step towards pro esports with GewdGame right now:

Beta Launch Features

Solo practice

Create an account and complete your player profile with details like the games you play, the game servers you play on, and the languages you speak.
Then, you can publish free matching offers for either friendly practice matches (pcw/pracc) or let others recruit you to play on their side. To ensure the best fit between you and your matched player, details like player roles and desired timeslots are included in each offer. You can even spice up your offers by using markdown in the description!

Team practice

This feature was the most frequently requested by our closed beta testers. Players can create teams which are bound to a selected game; one game per team entity, so if your team competes in several games, you’ll need to create a separate team for each game. Invite your friends to join you or find worthy companions in solo practice to fill in those vacancies! Once you’ve formed your team, you can post offers for team practice (scrim) or book other teams’ offers.

Recurring offers

Currently, both one-time-only and recurring offers are available. With recurring offers, other players can pick a timeslot in your schedule (set up within your player profile), so you can secure a daily practice match without having to post a new offer every day!

Of course, you can also respond to other players’ matching offers, reserving a slot in their schedule or booking the offer in full. Either player or team can cancel the agreed engagement in advance — we’ll keep a sharp eye out on cancellations, though. Our goal is to create the perfect training community for serious esports players.

What We’ll Be Adding Soon

If you’ve read our manifesto about why we decided to build a marketplace for esports talent, you know that our beta launch is just the beginning of something much bigger — a minimal viable product or MVP, as launch products are often referred to in tech circles. That means that we’ve got a ton of awesome features still in development! Here are just a few of the features coming to GewdGame shortly:

More supported titles

We chose a few proven favorites to get GewdGame started, but we know there are many, many other games out there with a lively competitive community. So yes, we are working on including Fortnite, PUBG, and other popular titles on our platform. Hang in there for the deets!

Priced offers

The secret sauce and the core idea that sparked what would eventually become GewdGame — the ability to monetize gamers’ time and in-game skills. Priced offers will enable additional offer modes: with coaching offers, you’ll be able to enlist the help of an experienced esports veteran who’ll help you overcome obstacles in your way (or, on the flip side, offer your own expertise!). Perhaps you’re an up and coming pro player, willing to join a team as a hired gun — or maybe your team got into an exclusive tournament, but one of your teammates is indisposed and you desperately need a replacement team member? Look no further, because priced offers are on their way!

A data-driven rating system

There is a big difference between Faker and being a faker, and we know that better than anyone. In esports, it’s not just about skill, it’s also about grit, determination, attitude, and sticking together with your team. Prove your worth with a high GewdGame Honor score. By combining feedback other players give you with actual in-game data, we’ll be able to give a more accurate representation of your skills and attitude.

Referrals, rewards, and merchandise, oh my!

Love the idea and vision that’s running GewdGame? Join us and help us grow, and we’ll reward you! We’ve got a bunch of cool rewards and merch in the making, and all you’ll need to do is invite some of your gamer friends to join GewdGame. We’re still tweaking the fine details on our referral program, but be sure to watch this space for when it’s available in the coming weeks.

Our community is growing daily, and we’re adding new fixes and features every week. All beta users get a special achievement for supporting us in these early days — why not join them? Register for an open beta account now!



Vesna Drofenik

Entrepreneur, Economist & Marketing Specialist 🦉 Challenger, Independent Thinker 💭 Geek & cat person 🐾