KNS Farm and its Charming Goats

Part 1 in our Creator Spotlight Series

Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog
3 min readMar 29, 2018


Gfycat is first and foremost a platform for creators. In light of our commitment to our creator community, we’re highlighting some of our favorite GIF-smiths. First up: KNS Farm.

Tell us a little bit about your account. What kinds of GIFs do you make, and why?

Hello! I am the owner of KNS Farm, a farm that raises goats. I have a Gfycat account called KNS Farm (@knsfarm) that’s full of goat GIFs! There are a few other animals from our farm sprinkled in, but when you check out my library, you will find tons and tons of great goat GIFs. Nearly all of my GIFs are my own original content, though occasionally I share content from fellow goat breeders, with permission. We make them to easily share quick clips of our goats getting up to trouble.

Are the GIFs you create part of your business? How do they advance your business goals?

In a way, yes. They are almost exclusively for sharing the fun shenanigans from KNS Farm, but they do help in building interest and driving traffic to our other social media accounts. Someone might see a fun GIF on Reddit of our goats and go check out our Youtube channel or website.

What got you started creating GIFs?

To understand the start of our GIF library you have to go further back, to what started the creation of content from our farm. Goats are not just my profession, but my passion. While we have a dairy business here, my main goals are much more goat-oriented and I have participated in many studies on goat behavior and health. I started taking video of the goats as they interacted so that I could review it later, especially because I am visually impaired and often miss things as they happen. Soon, I began to upload these videos and share them on Youtube and later Facebook. Before I knew what was happening, we had a Youtube channel going ahead full steam. It has reached over 20,000 subscribers, with regular weekday videos.

However, Youtube videos often aren’t the preferred form of media for the younger generations. In an effort to share with a wider audience, I looked for a way to quickly create high quality short clips that would be easy to share and fast to consume. I did not want to sacrifice quality, but I also can’t afford to spend a great deal of time converting clips. Gfycat more than satisfied those two requirements and I began to pull favorite clips from both past and future Youtube videos to upload there.

What about goat GIFs is interesting to you? Why do you think goats make for such compelling GIFs?

Goats are just a ton of fun! Obviously I am a bit biased, since my life revolves around them, but you can’t deny that they are very popular online too now. They often exhibit spastic bursts of energy that send them leaping and jumping, which is perfect for short clips. Once I became a moderator of several goat related Reddit subreddits, I really wanted to make sure that those subreddits had good quality content.

About how often do you make GIFs?

Once or twice a month I will usually sit down and pick through videos I have and upload them to Gfycat, to post whenever I feel the whim. I might upload a GIF but not find the perfect time to post it for months!

What’s your favorite GIF?

If you were to ask what my most popular GIF is, that would be easy. The GIF of the goat kids jumping on one of our Livestock Guardian Dogs is a huge hit and has even gone viral.

Now if you wanted to know my personal favorite, I have to spend more time thinking about it. Probably the one where the little goat rolls down the hills — I never get tired of it!



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