Gfycat is now HTTPS-only!

Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2016

At Gfycat, the privacy and security of our users is a critical concern of ours. Early on, we enabled anonymous users to create content. Users who were looking to organize their content were given the option to create accounts and log in. They could then manage their GIFs, organize content in folders and share groups of GIFs in memorable albums.

We had the option to access Gfycat over HTTPS for users looking for secure communication back to our servers, whether just to create accounts, or to browse the millions of user-generated GIFs. HTTPS is usually denoted by that lock in your URL bar. HTTPS is secure, unlike HTTP, but that comes at additional processing and latency cost.

HTTPS enhances the security of our users

We’ve been slowly migrating our infrastructure to HTTPS only. We ended up doing it in stages. First, the API that we use to communicate between webpages and the web server. Then, HTTPS support for all our webpages. Finally, we started preferring HTTPS in all the GIF links that people share on social media.

On April 25, we turned on HTTPS for everybody!! All our users now access our website over a secure connection. Those that try to access Gfycat over an insecure connection are automatically directed to our secure site. We’re super excited about the feedback we’ve been getting from our users. Gfycat joins the likes of Facebook and Google, respecting the privacy and security of consumers who can rest assured that their browsing activity is safe.

So, go on, check out the latest GIF moments and shareable highlights in all safety on



Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog

Gfycat lets you create, discover and share awesome GIFs, amazing moments and funny reactions