GIF Hack 2017 Was A Success!

Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017

This Saturday we held our first-ever hackathon! This was the first time we’d done anything of the kind, so we weren’t sure what to expect, besides a fun event.

Feat. a very frazzled-looking me announcing the rules

From the get-go, though, we saw participants who impressed us with their creativity, work ethic, and skills.

From solo projects, to teams who came in together, to teams who met each other for the first time on the day of, we saw teamwork, cooperation, and generally good vibes prevailing throughout the weekend.

Lots of coffee, instant ramen, burritos, and pizza (16 boxes, to be precise) were consumed.

Pear Ventures was kind enough to lend us their office, and participants made full use of the beautiful, quirky space.

Deciding upon a winner was hard — we were so impressed by all nine of the presented projects that we ended up creating additional prizes. Ultimately, we selected Xiaoyang Zhao’s Chrome extension, called “Frames,” as the Grand Prize winner.

One of the runner-up projects was Gfytti, a fun AR GIF experience for Hololens created by Dee Pei, Huy Le, and Mike Lagoma.

We didn’t get video of our other other runner-up, Meme Machine by Austin Lubetkin, but you can check out the project here.

If you’re interested in checking out all the completed projects from GIF Hack, you can find them all here.

Hopefully all participants have recovered from lack of sleep and excess of caffeine (it took some of us a couple days).

Y’all drank a LOT of Red Bull

Thanks to everyone who participated in GIF Hack for making this such a successful event! We hope to see you all back next time.

Our favorite visual design



Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog

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