Happy Birthday, Justin Bieber!

Delving into the many, many hideous Bieber Bday GIFs

Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog
2 min readMar 1, 2017


The universe is full of delightful, unexpected things, and one of them is that Gfycat’s users have uploaded a treasure trove of terrible GIFs wishing Justin Bieber a happy birthday.

Why, you ask? Who knows! Let’s not ruin this moment with unnecessary questions.

The combination of garish colors and hideous fonts is a relic of a simpler internet era.

So. Many. Stickers.

Remember that time when JBiebs and Selena were dating? Also, remember when the Biebs looked like a wholesome boy-next-door?

Obviously, times have changed. Few things remain constant, but the love of Beliebers is one of them.

This GIF looks sort of like a digital tombstone in a way that is vaguely unsettling.

Do you think JB has ever seen any of these GIFs? Does he find them creepy? Endearing? Perhaps a bit of both?

The amount of effort it must have taken to badly superimpose the words “Justin Bieber” in Jokerman font onto this image is truly staggering.

Apparently wishing the Biebernator a happy birthday via GIF is A Thing — witness 1D getting in on the act.

Truly Justin Bieber birthday GIFs are a source of occupation for an idle hour, and consolation in a distressed one.



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