Proof That Baseball Is Exciting — if You Only Watch GIFs

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Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2017

I love baseball. I have a nostalgic connection to the sport and an enduring appreciation for its rich history, calming aesthetics, and rhythmic bursts of athletic precision. But many people find baseball boring — and I totally get that, too. It is undeniably slow, especially compared to basketball, football, hockey, and most other mainstream sports.

Some go so far as to liken baseball to watching grass grow.

Wheatgrass shots, anyone?

Actually, that was pretty cool. But many people also compare baseball to watching paint dry.

Not as cool.

While that analogy is a bit harsh, the average Major League Baseball game is nearly three hours long, of which only 18 minutes include actual baseball action. That means players spend 90% of the game standing around waiting for stuff to happen.

Or finding other ways to pass the time.

Yep, lots of important stuff going on here.

Not exactly compelling viewing, right?

I mean, even the players can’t stand it sometimes.

But here’s the thing about baseball: When exciting stuff happens, it’s really exciting.

Sometimes it’s so thrilling, you just gotta dance.

Even the seemingly routine outs can pack a surprising punch.

“No I’M the better sportsman!”

And some players take it upon themselves to shoulder the load of the action.

But fans get in the mix, too.

Way to use both hands!

Or at least voice their opinions — whatever those may be.

Still utterly baffled by baseball’s appeal?

That’s OK, just stick with it. You’ll eventually find what fans see in it.

And once you do, you’ll want to join the party.

So dive on in.

You’ll soon feel safe at home.

Greg Schindler loves bad puns, sports (mainly college jai alai), fancy popcorn, and mentioning that he’s never seen Ghostbusters or Die Hard, as if that makes him interesting or something. Check him out on Twitter @Schindizzle.



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