This Week in GIFs: Cats Are Jerks, So is Dragonite

Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2016

Today is International Cat Day. Here’s to cats, our overlords and rulers of the Internet.

Here is a GIF of a cat reminding humans of feline dominance.

Ever wondered how Gfycat got its name? The cats demanded it, and we were afraid to refuse.

Ceremonial first pitches in baseball are usually terrible and often weird — unless you’re John McEnroe. The former tennis great threw a wildly impressive fastball for the Mets last Monday.

He’s clearly very proud of himself

For contrast, here’s 50 Cent’s first pitch, also for the Mets:


Pokemon GO is still A Thing, and if you’re still playing you’ve realized that some Pokemon are much harder to catch than others. Dragonite is one of the most difficult to catch, with a base capture rate of only 4%. He also doesn’t like you.

Bye Felicia

User dinneriscanceled posted this, and while it appears to be animated, it’s still hilarious.

Someone replaced all the textures in Dark Souls with Nicolas Cage’s face.

It’s pretty self-explanatory.



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