This Week in GIFs: Louisiana Flooding, Overwatch Trolling

Gfycat Team
Gfycat Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2016

This past week has witnessed what CNN is calling “the wost natural disaster to strike the US since Hurricane Sandy.” While it’s not yet clear how many people are displaced by flooding, estimates say hundreds of thousands have had their homes affected and at least thirteen have died.

This map shows the storms that caused the floods

We’ve noticed many flooding-related GIFs on our platform, and it’s not hard to see why — the damage has been dramatic and devastating.

A flooded home in Prairieville, LA

The flood is undeniably a tragic story — thousands have lost their homes and the affected parishes will likely take years to recover. However, some of our users have created GIFs that celebrate the persistence of compassion in adversity: humans saving animals from the flood.

Scared pup → happy pup
OMG the tiny puppies

Of late the Internet has been abuzz with images of a sporting event that we like to call That-Which-Must-Not-Be-GIFed.

How I feel about the IOC

While we can’t show any sporting footage, it’s probably worth mentioning that a man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Kim Jong Un was spotted in the crowd.

He’s on Twitter as @KimJongUnDouble

The man impersonating North Korea’s Supreme Leader is an Australian named Howard, apparently, though initially many thought he was the real deal.

If you’re an Overwatch player who is also a jerk, prepare to be embarrassed. Users who type “gg ez” into chat will have their message replaced by a randomly generated response.

The auto-responses seem to be 50/50 sportsmanlike and humiliating

Will this make Overwatch players mind their manners? Probs not, but it’s hilarious anyway.

And finally:

I’m not sure if this pants-wearing rooster is funny or a metaphor for the futility of human (and rooster) endeavors. Perhaps both.

Everything you hold sacred is another meaningless trapping, as pointless as pants on a rooster.



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