#GGFriday (March 7, 2014) — Kota Suzuki

“green drinks Toranomon in English”

Kota Suzuki / スズキコウタ
#GG Friday


I am very thrilled and nervous that green drinks Toranomon in English (“gdENG”) will finally be held on Sunday. Actually, we’ve been spending so much time for the pre-productions.

This will be the first meet-up event organized by greenz global team. Since we have launched our website in June last year, we’ve been discussing how could we boost our audience, how could we build a community with readers, how could we… so many more! As a result, we decided to launch an event “gdENG” to make a community with our readers. Also, we’re gonna have a special guest to discuss our project.

On the very first event which will take place on 9th Sunday, we’ll have Mr. Tom Vincent from PingMag. Really, I am very fortunate to have Tom-san at our upcoming green drinks party. PingMag is an influential bilingual web magazine features various designs. What kind of images do you get, when hear the word ‘design’? PingMag doesn’t focus on specific designs, but they publish many articles of product design, packaging, web, programming, art, traditional crafts… and so many more! So, they think ‘design’ is unlimited! I really recommend you all to check the fantastic web magazine.


Me and YOSH-san were interviewing Mr. Vincent, last summer. Then we discussed how could our online publication go forward. Since then, he has been our advisor. He was the one who suggested “building community among East Asian social entrepreneurs.” The advice inspired all of us, a lot. If you’re interested, the interview has been already published on our website, please check it. -> http://greenzglobal.jp/tom_vincent-4781.html

We’re very looking forward to meeting you at green drinks Toranomon in English!



Kota Suzuki / スズキコウタ
#GG Friday

greenz.jp 副編集長 / 2kai Productions ミュージシャン&フリーランスエディターhttps://greenz.jp/author/kota/ https://www.wantedly.com/users/3287033