Airbus Bizlab launches #Africa4Future Challenge + accelerator with MEST, GIZ, InnoCircle

Claude Ayitey
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2018

Airbus Bizlab launched #Africa4Future Challenge with GIZ Make-it, InnoCircle, and MEST Africa in Toulouse, France on 30th October 2018. The goal of the challenge is to find and connect African aerospace startups with intrapreneurs at Airbus who will work with the startups to speed up innovation and scale their product/service across Africa.

Startups who are actively working on Automation and Drones, Electrification, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Data analytics, Material composites & Manufacturing are eligible to apply here. Applications are open from 30 October 2018 to 30 November 2018.

Following review, ten applicants will be selected to join the six-month #Africa4Future acceleration program starting on 7th January 2019. Selected teams will receive:

Access to industry-leading experts at Airbus sites in Europe

Feedback on their technology and business models from top engineers

The opportunity to showcase their startups at the Paris International Airshow in June 2019

The opportunity to launch a collaboration project in partnership with key Airbus departments

They will also receive space within MEST Incubators in Accra (Ghana), Lagos (Nigeria), Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Cape Town (South Africa) or Nairobi (Kenya) from January to June 2019, where they will have the opportunity to become part of the vibrant, global MEST tech startup community.

During the program, the ten selected teams will participate in a mix of virtual and physical workshops. International travel, accommodation, and food will be covered for one person per team, for all workshops.

Workshops with travel covered:

15–17 January: Kick-off in Nigeria

04–17 March: Workshop in Europe at Airbus

13–24 May: Workshop in South Africa

19–26 June: DemoDay at the Paris International Airshow (France) and CeBit Hannover (Germany)

To register for the challenge, visit For inquiries and/or more information, email Kelechi at MEST:

Originally published at gharage.



Claude Ayitey

I work on UX/UI, studied Computer Science, loved software enough to attend @MESTGhana and helped found @DevCongress. I play the piano. Also founded @BoughtSpot.