Asoriba Wins SeedStars Accra 2015

Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2015

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Asoriba wins seedstars accra 2015

Asoriba Wins SeedStars Accra 2015[/caption]

After a successful launch of Seedstars Accra last year, the Swiss startup franchise returned to Accra again this year with much pomp and gallantry. It was a gathering of the best startups Ghana hads to offer, all of whom were product ready and poised to take the world by storm. At the end of it all, one winner emerged, and it was no other but a birth-child of the Melwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology (MEST), the winner of SeedStars Accra 2015 ladies in gentlemen is Asoriba.

Asoriba is a church management platform like no other, As the CEO Nana Opoku Agyeman Prempeh said, “we have built a product that is capable of not only solving the problem of directory and financial management for churches, but they have gone step further to provide churches with a bespoke mobile app that allows them to seamlessly communicate with their congregation in real-time.”

Ten startups, pitched at Seedstars Accra 2015, which was held at the Impact Hub Accelerator in Accra. Key amongst the startups who pitched were, Flippy Campus, Afrishopen, OnToday, Ahwenepa, TrotroDiaries, EyinamTech, Farmable, Custopinion and Beep. The full list of the startups and their product descriptions we published in a press release earlier.

Out of the three finalists announced, the 1st and 2nd position went to startups from the MEST incubator i.e. Asoriba and FlippyCampus. Congratulations to all the participants, and a special congratulations to the entire Asoriba Team(Nana Opoku Agyeman Prempeh, Jesse Johnson, Saviour Dzage and Patrick Ohemeng Tutu). We wish them well as they travel to Geneva Switzerland to compete for the grand prize of $500,000USD.

