Bisa Joins Internet.Org’s Free Basics Platform

Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2016

Access to health information is yet to be disrupted in these parts of the world. Elsewhere, with related software products and services, patients have access to doctors and health information easier than in Africa. Bisa seeks to solve this problem of access to health information via its app.

Bisa is a project started by Raindolf Owusu a Ghanaian based software developer who doubles as the founder of Oasis Websoft, a software development house. Bisa means “ask” in the Ghanaian twi language. Based on our research we came to the understanding that most people do not like to visit hospital for check up for various reasons. Some of these reasons include the long queue system at the hospitals. — Bisa Website

Quite recently, Bisa has joined as one of the apps accessible on the Free Basics platform.

Free Basics — Free Basics by Facebook provides people with access to useful services on their mobile phones in markets where internet access may be less affordable. The websites are available for free without data charges, and include content on things like news, employment, health, education and local information. By introducing people to the benefits of the internet through these websites, we hope to bring more people online and help improve their lives. ~ Free Basics Website

Most patients, especially in Africa, first are skeptical about technology, with all its security-related issues. The highest concern for most users will be on how private their conversations will be. Obviously, this solution is expected to help patients receive health information quicker through a faster medium. Bisa is available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.

Will Ghanaians take advantage of such solutions? Are they even aware of the Free Basics platform? What are your comments on this new development. Share them below.

