#DEMOTop40 : MyeCampus Helps Students Prepare For Exams With Past Questions

Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2014

Twelve years ago, the founder of MyeCampus.net Cecil S. Nutakor failed his Senior High School Exams and had to rewrite twice. Unfortunately, every year, millions of students across Africa fail to pass their final exams and are unable to continue their education. Figures from the West African Examination Council show that exams pass rates have been on a constant downward decline since 2005.

In Ghana, between 2008 and 2011 more than half a million students representing 55% fail to meet the pass mark for the basic education certificate exams (BECE). In Liberia, all 25,000 students fail to gain admission into Universities in 2013 (100% failure rate). In Nigeria, the failure rate is at 67% on the average each year. If this trend is not discontinued illiteracy rates in Africa will sky rocket by 2020.

The good news is exams councils across the world have established that 75% of all exam questions are past questions. Therefore logically when students are able to prepare adequately for exams using past questions, exam pass rate should rather be on the raise and not declining.

The challenge however is the lack of equitable access to these past questions and supporting educational materials to enable students practice for exams, only 30% of the population who attend private schools have access, the remaining 70% who attend public schools do not have such access.

Our value proposition is to fill the inequitable access gap by bringing teaching and learning activities online for free, to generate huge internet traffic that will attract advertising, announcement and publishing revenue for sustainability and growth.


MyeCampus.net is a self-pace online learning and teaching platform, which provides access to educational content from all examination councils across Africa in alternative multimedia rich formats such as podcast, video, games, audio books, eBooks, and interactive test engines for practicing with past questions for exams.


MyeCampus.net is positioned to address the problems of falling exams-pass rates, high school dropout rates, inadequate test preps, limited access to educational materials, unavailability of alternative multimedia rich academic content formats, high teacher to student ratios, lack of motivation to teach & learn and high unemployment rates in Africa.


Ten different institutional pilots of MyeCampus between 2005 and 2010. A total of 2.5 Million+ hits since 2011 with an average of 13,000+ hits per day from 2013. 1500 registered users. 600 active users.

Five International Awards;

  1. Global Young Social Entrepreneur Award 2007, awarded by Global Knowledge Partnership
  2. Global Innovator Award 2009, awarded by InfoDev of the World Bank
  3. Global Student Entrepreneur Award 2010, awarded by the Entrepreneur’s Organization, USA
  4. Most Promising African Entrepreneurial Venture 2013, awarded by Venture Capital for Africa. (VC4Africa)
  5. First Place, Social Entrepreneurial Business Idea Competition 2013, awarded by the ALTIS School of Business and Society of the Catholic University of Milan, Italy


  • Cecil S. Nutakor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer: Diploma Computer Science, BSc Entrepreneurship & SME Management, MBA Global Business and Sustainability: Social Entrepreneurship Track
  • Joel Amponsah, Chief Marketing Officer: Diploma Marketing & Media Relations, BSc Computer Science

Development Stack

Linux Operating System, Apache Web Server, MySQL Database System, and PHP Server-Side Programing Language

Contact/Social Media/Job Openings

Product — www.myecampus.net,

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/pages/MyeCampusnet/162101617158581

Twitter — https://twitter.com/My_eCampus

Office location:

6th Floor, Ghana Multimedia Centre, High Street, Accra, Ghana.

