#DEMOTop40 : SpacePointe Makes Retailing Easier Through Its Marketplace

Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2014

Online shopping is a buzz and a growing industry all across Africa. Owing to the success of mobile payments, most marketplaces are beginning to use the power of online payments to build marketplaces for retailers. SpacePointe is focused on helping African small-to-medium business increase their bottom line while selling online and at their brick and mortar stores.


The SpacePointe product includes the following:

  • Online Marketplace for retailers to sell their products without having to worry about the cost of doing it all for themselves.
  • Mobile POS Application called PointePay to help retailers receive cashless payments, manage inventory and store operations.


Additional channel of distribution via our marketplace, an opportunity to get new cashless customers in store, manage inventory, offer customer loyalty programs and manage general store operations. When retailers thinks of SpacePointe, they will think: “Now I will be empowered with the help I need to succeed in my business!”


The team has chalked some successes namely:

  • Making it to Demo Africa’s top 40 list is definitely an accomplishment
  • Designing an application that will also cater to the textual and compute illiterate retailer.


The current SpacePointe team is made up of about 20 people. Below are the names of the founding team members:

  • Sayu Abend: Founder and CEO
  • Osato Osayande: President, Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder
  • Edward Osayande: Chief Financial Officer MBA, CPA, ACA
  • Ola Fadipe: General Manager, Retail Operations
  • Boye Alagbe: General Manager Vendor Operations
  • Karl Abend: General Manager, International Products

Development Stack




Microsoft Azure Environment

Contact/Social Media/Job Openings

Sayu Abend

Email: sabend@spacepointe.com

Web: http://www.spacepointe.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/spacepointe

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/spacepointe

