Introducing: How It Started

Claude Ayitey
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2017

Many of us have loads of ideas. Being in the Ghanaian tech space for some time, I have seen other people’s ideas implemented, whether it was to win a pitch competition, a hackathon or even to start a business.

Thinking on this, I realised there will be a need to educate people and inspire them to just start. After all, we all love the “just do it!” slogan. gharage is starting a series on starting, dubbed “How It Started”. The main aim is to speak to several tech entrepreneurs we know of, hear a bit about how they started, and for you to use that to build upon your confidence to begin that idea you have been looking at for 3 weeks or even 3 years.

Each Monday, we’ll bring you a dose of inspiration on How It Started. You know it would be nice to have it branded “How I started”, but since there’s a “t” in team, we decided to make it “How it started”, just kidding. Actually, some of the ideas are from teams, so that helps to put it in better context.

For How It Started, we are introducing a new model. As you would pay for conferences, events, etc., we want to take a similar route. For each episode, we would be happy to receive a minimum of GHS25 as sponsorship/donation for the time it takes to put it together. If an episode gives you great inspiration, you can decide to sponsor even more episodes. You can select various inspiration tiers, and support on egoTickets, literally.

And since there are quite a number of tech entrepreneurs across Ghana currently, we look to run this for quite some time. I’m excited about the stories I’ll get to share with you. When gharage was launched initially, even the idea behind the name suggested focusing on startups. A little context — since most tech companies started from actual garages, I thought to name this gharage because we’re in Gh-ana, and would be focusing on tech, mostly startups.

I’m excited about this new initiative, and I would like to encourage you to share these stories on social media, you never know who you will be inspiring. Oh, and don’t forget the donations too.

See you on Monday! If you want notifications about that, and all our other stories, use the little red bell in the down right corner or just follow us on Facebook, or on Twitter.


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Originally published at gharage.



Claude Ayitey

I work on UX/UI, studied Computer Science, loved software enough to attend @MESTGhana and helped found @DevCongress. I play the piano. Also founded @BoughtSpot.