iSpace Hosts Social Impact Week [Jan 25–30]

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2 min readJan 21, 2016

The iSpace Foundation will host Social Impact Week, the first of its kind!

Accra, Ghana, January 25 — January 30, 2016 — The iSpace Foundation in collaboration with their partners at Making All Voices Count, Hivos, The Doen Foundation and Indigo Trust will host Social Impact Week, a week-long business innovation and ideas challenge, with a focus on social change. Together, they will be hosting a series of events throughout the week with the aim to educate and inspire individuals, entrepreneurs and startups around the potential of social impact businesses. The goal is to learn about some of the issues we face in our communities, and to explore the ways we can target these using social and tech entrepreneurship for sustainable impact. The week’s events will be capped off with a hackathon, where the top three teams that emerge will move on a build an MVP with iSpace.

Social Impact Week Schedule:

Monday, January 25, 6:00pm: Kick-Off Panel Discussion, exploring the landscape of social business in Ghana.

Tuesday, January 26, 8:00am-10:00am: Breakfast Roundtable: How to access funding for a Social Impact Startup. Leading experts in the social finance sector will be present.

Wednesday, January 27, 6:00pm: Key Note Speakers Session: The Role of Technology for Social Impact. Leading professionals who work at the intersection of social impact and technology will explore what possibilities exist, where there has been change and where there is room for growth.

Thursday, January 28, Full-day: Drop-in Concept Note & Business Plan one-on-one coaching

Friday, January 29, 3:00pm onwards: Social Impact Week Marketplace & Mingle. The marketplace will take place from 3:00pm onwards, showcasing products of several change-makers positively impacting society. The event will lead into a happy hour at 5:00pm, where ecosystem stakeholders will be gathered to network and share ideas.

Saturday, January 30, 8:00am-7:00pm: Hackathon! Individuals or teams are invited to participate in the creation of sustainable tech businesses that create a positive social impact. Technical skills are not necessary, just the drive for social change. The top three will move on to create an MVP with iSpace. Other prizes to be won.

The iSpace Foundation is a co-working tech and creative hub for startups, innovators, social entrepreneurs, creators, developers, technologists, designers and change makers in Accra, Ghana. Founded in 2013, iSpace fills an incredible gap in the ecosystem by providing an open environment where community, talent, management, entrepreneurship, business mentorship and research meet to join forces and innovate, while facilitating the connection of great minds, ideas and talent.

