MOBEX 2017 Indefinitely Postponed

Claude Ayitey
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2017

Each year since 2015, the team at Coasters Company Limited, organisers of the Africa Mobile & ICT Expo. aka. Mobex hold a tech fair which is usually the highlight of tech events across the country. This year, the team had planned and announced for Mobex this year to take place from the 21st to 23rd of August, 2017.

Monday morning, most of us came online to find out that Mobex 2017 had been postponed, an event a lot of technophiles were looking forward to. It’s quite a bummer, but the team put out a release, not giving much detail into the reason for the adjournment, but apologising for it.

The communique read,

“Coasters Company Limited, organisers of the Africa Mobile and ICT Expo (Mobex Africa) and its partners regretfully announce the postponement of this year’s edition of the expo, Mobex 17 due to some technical challenges.

This decision has been necessitated by the organizers’ desire to give sponsprs, exhibitors, participants and the general public a world class event hence a new date will be communicated in due course.

Thanks for your support.

Management of Coasters Company Ltd.”

About Mobex

The Africa Mobile & ICT Expo is an assembly of captains, investors and enthusiasts of the ICT industry as well as all things and everything technology. Mobile technology lovers, students and professionals, device manufacturers, telcos, regulators and policy makers converge in Accra Ghana for 3 days of conferences, seminars, product and app launches, and discounted products exhibition by 100+ quality brands.

I don’t know how this one goes. I hope is able to recover from this, and put up a great show on the date to be announced later. Whatever happens, look out for the dates and be there.

Originally published at gharage.



Claude Ayitey

I work on UX/UI, studied Computer Science, loved software enough to attend @MESTGhana and helped found @DevCongress. I play the piano. Also founded @BoughtSpot.