MTN Becomes 4th 4G Service to Launch In Ghana

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2 min readJun 22, 2016

After recently celebrating their 15 millionth customer, Ghana’s largest telecom service provider has gone on to be become the 4th 4G service to launch in Ghana. MTN has over the years been mostly the first of the major telcos to launch value added services, premiering the MTN Mobile Money service in 2007.

The list of 4G service providers in Ghana have grown steadily over the past few years. With Blu and Surfline launching earlier, Busy 4G from the providers of the internet-cafe poster-child, Busy Internet, launched earlier this year. It had always been a wonder to me how the behemoth telcos could not start the 4G service as most of the 4G providers in Ghana were young and quite new into the market.

MTN recently launched the MTN@20 Mega Promo where over 400,000 (Four Hundred Thousand) unique customers have been expected to win various prices, from Range Rovers to Airtime.

Bandwidth in Ghana has become less expensive as more service providers enter the market to offer competitive rates to customers. Some time this year, there was a hint of a new 4G service provider, Gold 4G which is yet to see the light of day.

The entrance of MTN will truly test the boundaries of customer loyalty for these smaller brands as most of their customers are already on MTN, which still has over 40% of the Ghanaian telecom base. With a 4G-enabled device and an MTN 4G SIM card, any subscriber can enjoy MTN 4G service in every regional capital and in many towns across the country.

Exciting news? I hope to see this make a change in the way people consume bandwidth in Ghana, which may drive prices lower and improve service for customers.

What are your thoughts on MTN’s 4G launch? Share your thoughts in the comments box below.

