SynCommerce, AgroCenta, Lori Systems Win at TechCrunch Battlefield Africa

Claude Ayitey
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2017
Photo Credit | TechCrunch

This year, Techcrunch Battlefield debuted in Africa, specifically in Kenya. The event, which took place on Wednesday, October 11, brought together 15 startups from across the continent, who pitched to a panel of judges. They teams were divided into 3 categories, in 3 sessions.

Session 1 — Productivity and Utility: WeCashUp, Form+, Delivery Science, Abacus Invest, Sellio, Lori Systems
Session 2 — Gaming and Entertainment: Big5 Games, Tango TV, Lomay, SynCommerce
Session 3 — Social Good: ConnectMed, M-Shule, Dot Learn, Talent2Africa, AgroCenta

With several startups listed from across the continent, it was quite an honour that at the end of the day, 2 startups from Ghana, AgroCenta and SynCommerce won in the categories they were placed in.

SynCommerce provides a service for merchants to list their products on several shopping platforms, all from one interface. For many retailers, this is such a convenience, and a time-saver! They won the Gaming and Entertainment category.

Here’s the pitch from SynCommerce.

AgroCenta helps more than 8,000 farmers to improve the agricultural value chain. In particular, small farmers in rural areas are facing many challenges to access large markets. The startup is helping them cut out the middlemen, and optimize truck deliveries to large markets thanks to an online marketplace. AgroCenta won the Social Good category. In the part 2 months, AgroCenta has won two major competitions, AgriHack in Ivory Coast, and the just-ended Seedstars Accra event.

AgroCenta’s pitch is embedded below.

Lori Systems, which won the Productivity and Utility section, is based in Nairobi. It was adjudged the overall winner of the competition. Lori Systems has been building a logistics platform to improve cargo transportation across Africa. Most importantly, Lori Systems can optimize truck utilization so that you don’t waste time and money.

One overall winner — ‘Sub-Saharan Africa’s Most Promising Startup’ — will win $25,000 USD and an all-expense paid trip for two to San Francisco to compete in TechCrunch’s flagship event: Disrupt SF 2018 (assuming the company still qualifies to compete next year). View the speaker and judge lineup here. Winners will join TechCrunch’s Startup Battlefield Alumni Network. Alumni have collectively raised nearly $7 billion and produced nearly 100 exits and IPOs to date, the TechCrunch website stated.

It’s exciting to have such great news, and spotlight on Ghana. If you have any idea of the stories behind these startups and their founders, you’ll appreciate their success. Cheers to both teams.

Originally published at gharage.



Claude Ayitey

I work on UX/UI, studied Computer Science, loved software enough to attend @MESTGhana and helped found @DevCongress. I play the piano. Also founded @BoughtSpot.