March 2017

Second Month In, Let’s See What Happens


Day #21


It’s finally March. I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for a whole month.

Here are some updates:

I got my first customer on my Fiverr gig. Hopefully, more customers should follow.

I have 165 followers on Twitter now.

I’m prepping for the Home Screen and BRDIVIU launches.

This is what I’m planning for march:

  1. Launching Home Screen.
  2. launching BRDIVIU.
  3. Starting a new publication.
  4. Becoming active on Snapchat and Instagram.
  5. I might try freelancing.

Day #22


As of today, I’m going to be more active on social media.

Not only have I decided to reach out to more people on Twitter, but I also created an Instagram account so I can cover what I’m up to at the moment.

My social media strategy is pretty simple:

  1. I interact with people and influencers on Twitter so that I can build relationships with new people.
  2. These people stumble onto my blog on Medium or one of my side projects and decide to follow my moves more closely.
  3. These people then find me on Instagram where I post updates to my story and my timeline. These will be things like behind the scenes coverage of what I do and how I do it.

I won’t be super active on Instagram until I get the hang of it, cause I’ve never used it before so I wanna be comfortable with it before I do.

For those who are curious, I do have a Snapchat account, but that’s for personal use only. I add people I know (friends, family, etc…). I post about my personal life on Snapchat and business on Instagram. I might decide to start posting about my personal life on Instagram and eventually abandon Snapchat.

Why would I choose Instagram over Snapchat for business? Because I’ve taken a look at the differences between the two, and Instagram seems to be the app that priorities features like external links and other things which will help me direct followers to buy my things in the future.

And I also believe Instagram is here to stay, while Snapchat’s future is still uncertain.

P.S.: Follow me on Instagram

Day #23


I’ve been on Instagram for 2 days now, at the time of writing I have 43 followers. I don’t consume much on Instagram, I mostly just watch people stories cause I don’t like scrolling through an endless feed.

I noticed that a lot of people follow you but will unfollow just as quickly if you don’t follow back.

So far so good tho

P.S.: I’m launching BRDIVIU tomorrow on Product Hunt tomorrow. Tune in for more!

Day #24


Hey guys, sorry I took a long break I forgot to keep this updated.

Here’s what happened in the past week:

  1. I published “I Redesigned Instagram To Cure Feed Addiction” to Product Coalition.
  2. I launched BRDIVIU on Product Hunt. It received 54 upvotes and some interesting feedback.
  3. I managed to hit up Tobias van Schneider, an excellent designer, on Twitter. I found that the best way t get in touch with someone is by commenting on their work, maybe even giving them advice. It’s the best way to network today. Don’t spam, only reach out if you have something good to say.
  4. I also got my first customer on my Airbnb gig on Fiverr. I then managed to convince them into making me their co host. This proves my hypothesis that if I want to be someone’s co host I need to be there on day one.

I’m going to be making some changes to this series. Starting today, I’m going to be moving my daily recaps to my Instagram account. I’ll be writing monthly recaps on Medium. The reason I’m doing this is because the only way I’m going to grow my Instagram account is I post regularly, and it’s also quicker to post on Instagram than Medium.

Day #25


Hey guys, it’s been a while. Here’s what happened in the past 2 weeks:

  1. I got a repeat order from the same person who made me their co host. The first property got it’s first booking resulting in $66 in revenue.
  2. I’m in the process of posting my Instagram redesign article to Free Code Camp.
  3. I have several people that I found on Fiverr interested in my co hosting service, so that means I’ll be managing many more properties soon.

P.S.: If you want daily updates, make sure you follow me on Instagram my handle is @ghiliweld.

