The Awakening of the Unearthed Demon

Ghost Hunters
Published in
11 min readMar 23, 2024

In the depths of a forgotten 19th-century mansion, restless spirits roamed, harboring the anger of long-forgotten tragedies. There was a palpable malevolence lingering within its walls, an unmistakable sense that it resented any intruders disturbing its slumber.

Whispers circulated about the mansion’s dark history — a deadly love triangle entangling a banker, his illicit lover, and a sinister entity lurking in the shadows of the basement. Some claimed the entity bore the darkest of intentions, its presence an ominous specter haunting the corridors.

“It wasn’t human,” one whispered, shivering at the memory. “Its terror was indescribable. Some places are better left untouched, their secrets buried in the depths of time.”

Nestled in the heart of Decer County lay the quaint town of Garden Grove, Iowa, where the Rice family — Peter, Jessica, and their young son, Paul — had recently acquired the Victorian mansion. To them, it was more than a mere house; it was an enchanting enigma that had captured their hearts from the moment they laid eyes upon it.

the Victorian mansion
The Victorian mansion!

“I always said someday you’ll be mine,” Jessica mused, her voice tinged with a strange longing. “I felt drawn to it, as if it were calling out to me.”

Paul, wide-eyed with wonder, marveled at the grandeur of their new home. Moving from their modest farm, the mansion seemed like a dream come true — a sprawling expanse of mystery and intrigue waiting to be explored.

But as they settled into their new abode, the facade of charm began to crack, revealing the shadows of the past that lurked beneath its surface. The mansion, built in the heyday of Garden Grove’s prosperity, held secrets darker than any could have imagined.

“Something about this house,” Jessica murmured, her unease growing with each passing day. “It’s like it’s hiding something, something from a time long forgotten.”

As night fell, the once picturesque mansion transformed into a haunting silhouette against the moonlit sky, its secrets whispering on the wind, beckoning the unsuspecting to uncover the horrors that lay within its forsaken halls.

Within these walls, whispers of unspeakable horrors echoed, tales of tragedies etched into the very fabric of the grand mansion’s history. Peter’s enthusiasm for the house was palpable, his eyes alight with excitement as he admired its intricate details, but Jessica couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her.

“Isn’t it grand?” Peter enthused, oblivious to Jessica’s apprehension. “Look at the staircase, the craftsmanship is unparalleled.”

Yet, Jessica knew better than to let their excitement blind them to the daunting task ahead. The mansion, a veritable money pit, demanded extensive renovations, but Peter’s determination to restore it to its former glory was unwavering.

“It’s got to be done right,” Jessica cautioned, her voice tinged with concern. “We can’t afford to get carried away.”

Peter, buoyed by his passion for the house and fueled by the promise of stock options from his job, reassured her of their ability to undertake the project. But as he embarked on frequent business trips to Arizona, leaving Jessica to oversee the renovations alone, she couldn’t shake the feeling of isolation that settled over her.

With Peter away, Jessica threw herself into the restoration project, enlisting the help of contractors and workers to bring her vision to life. It became her mission, her sole focus in the empty halls of the mansion, a beacon of hope amidst the creeping shadows.

But as the renovations progressed, ominous incidents began to occur, unsettling the workers and sending shivers down Jessica’s spine. Clyde, the main contractor, spoke of a chilling encounter with an unseen force, a ladder shaking violently as if manipulated by an invisible hand.

“I was pushed,” Clyde stammered, his voice trembling with fear. “I don’t know by whom or what, but I felt it.”

His cryptic words sent a shiver down Jessica’s spine, a sense of foreboding clouding her thoughts. And when Claude, another worker, revealed the dark secrets buried within the mansion’s past, Jessica’s world shattered.

“He buried her in the basement,” Claude whispered, his eyes wide with terror. “The servant woman he was having an affair with. She was pregnant, and he couldn’t risk a scandal.”

The pregnant servant woman!
The pregnant servant woman!

Jessica’s blood ran cold as Claude’s words echoed in the dimly lit corridors, the truth of the mansion’s dark past finally laid bare. And as whispers of ghostly apparitions and vengeful spirits filled the air, Jessica realized that some secrets were never meant to be unearthed, lest they awaken the wrath of the forsaken souls trapped within the mansion’s walls.

Amidst the eerie stillness of the abandoned mansion, whispers of its haunted past lingered like ghostly echoes, weaving a tapestry of rumors and secrets that had festered for decades. For 8-year-old Paul, the allure of the mansion’s mysteries proved irresistible, drawing him deeper into its shadowy depths.

“I couldn’t even fathom,” Paul mused, his curiosity piqued by the tales that swirled around the house. “It was kind of cool at the same time.”

But as he ventured into the basement, lured by the scandalous rumors of a buried secret, a suffocating weight descended upon him, the air thick with the scent of damp earth. The darkness seemed to press in around him, suffocating and oppressive, as if the very walls of the mansion held their breath in anticipation.

In 2001, the Rice family — Jessica, Peter, and young Paul — embarked on a journey to restore the historic mansion to its former glory. But the whispers of a suspicious death and a buried truth cast a pall over their endeavor, rumors swirling like specters in the wind.

“I never went back down to the basement again,” Paul confessed, his voice trembling with the memory. “It felt like something was reaching up from the depths, something out of a horror movie.”

With Peter often away on business, Jessica faced the daunting task of completing the renovations alone, the contractors fleeing in the face of the mansion’s dark reputation. Yet, despite the unsettling occurrences that plagued her nights, Jessica remained steadfast in her determination to uncover the truth hidden within the mansion’s walls.

“It was unnerving, but it had potential,” Jessica reflected, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “But as time wore on, and the strange noises grew louder, I began to wonder.”

In the silence of the abandoned mansion, where shadows danced in the flickering candlelight, Jessica couldn’t shake the feeling that they were not alone — that something sinister lurked within the depths, waiting to be unearthed. And as the whispers grew louder and the shadows seemed to move of their own accord, Jessica realized that some secrets were best left buried, lest they awaken the horrors that lay dormant within the forsaken mansion.

Late into the night, when rational thoughts blurred and shadows danced in the corners of Paul’s mind, the eerie allure of the mansion’s mysteries took hold. Tiredness clouded his judgment, attributing the unsettling occurrences to mere exhaustion. But beneath the veil of fatigue lurked a primal fear — a fear of the unknown, of the unseen forces that lurked within the mansion’s depths.

As summer waned in the year 2001, Peter remained tethered to his job in Arizona, leaving Jessica and Paul to acclimate to their new life in Garden Grove, Iowa. But as the nights grew longer and the darkness enveloped the mansion in its embrace, a sense of foreboding settled over the Rice family.

One fateful night, Paul’s friend Cody joined him for a sleepover, their laughter echoing through the halls of the mansion. But the mirth quickly turned to terror when Cody vanished before their eyes, swallowed by the darkness that loomed atop the stairs.

“It was like he just…vanished,” Paul recounted, his voice trembling with fear. “I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know where he went.”

Despite the chilling encounter, Paul chose to keep his harrowing experience a secret from his mother, fearing her reaction. For Jessica, the restoration of the mansion had been a labor of love, a dream fulfilled. But as whispers of the mansion’s haunted past grew louder, she couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that settled over her.

“We had people knocking on our door, wanting to see the house,” Jessica recalled, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “But as the tours began, and the stories unfolded, I couldn’t ignore the rumors any longer.”

A chance encounter with the great-niece of the mansion’s original owner unveiled a picture-perfect facade that masked a darker truth. The pale blue eyes of the banker, captured in a yellowed photograph, sent shivers down Jessica’s spine — a chilling reminder of the rumors that had haunted the mansion for decades.

As Jessica pieced together the fragments of the mansion’s past, a sense of dread washed over her — a realization that some secrets were meant to stay buried, lest they awaken the darkness that lay dormant within the mansion’s walls. And as Paul’s gaze met the familiar visage of the banker, lingering at the top of the stairs, he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were not alone — that the shadows of the past watched over them, waiting to reclaim what was rightfully theirs.

As Paul grappled with the terrifying specters that haunted the confines of his home, he found himself engulfed in a state of denial, unable to confront the chilling reality that lurked within the shadows. The fear gnawed at him, a relentless presence that he struggled to push aside, burying his experiences deep within the recesses of his mind.

“It was like… I didn’t want to believe it,” Paul confessed, his voice trembling with uncertainty. “I kept it to myself because… how do you even begin to explain something like that?”

Alone in his fear, Paul sought solace in the company of friends, the distant laughter of childhood offering a temporary reprieve from the darkness that loomed overhead. But as the days stretched into months, and the presence within the mansion grew ever more palpable, Paul found himself unable to escape the relentless grip of fear.

“It scared me so much,” Paul admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I just wanted to run away, to pretend like none of it was real.”

Yet, as Paul grappled with his own terror, a new visitor appeared — a ghostly apparition that sent shivers down his spine. The woman in the rocking chair, her ethereal presence a haunting reminder of the mansion’s dark past.

“M-mom,” Paul stammered, his voice trembling with fear. “I saw her… the banker’s wife. She was here, in my room.”

For Jessica, the revelation was unsettling, a stark reminder of the whispers that had haunted the mansion for generations. But even as Paul recounted his chilling encounter, Jessica remained steadfast in her disbelief, clinging to the hope that the shadows that lurked within their home were nothing more than figments of an overactive imagination.

“I didn’t want to believe it,” Jessica confessed, her voice tinged with regret. “I’m stubborn… too stubborn to admit that there might be something… something dark within these walls.”

But as the winter nights grew colder and the darkness pressed in around them, Jessica could no longer deny the truth that lurked within the shadows. For when Peter returned home, he too felt the chilling presence that haunted their home — a dark force that defied rational explanation.

“It was real,” Peter murmured, his voice heavy with disbelief. “There’s no denying it now.”

And as the Rice family grappled with the chilling reality of their haunted home, they realized that some secrets were not meant to stay buried — that the darkness that lurked within the mansion’s walls had awoken, hungry for vengeance. And as they stood on the precipice of a nightmare, they knew that they were no longer alone — that the shadows that haunted their home were all too real, and they hungered for blood.

As the weight of the mansion’s dark secrets bore down upon them, Jessica finally mustered the courage to confront Peter about the haunting reality that plagued their home. The words hung heavy in the air, her voice trembling with fear as she spoke of the ghosts that roamed the halls.

“I think the house is haunted,” Jessica confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. “By ghosts… a banker and his wife.”

Peter’s disbelief quickly turned to dread as Jessica recounted Paul’s sightings and the chilling rumors that swirled around the mansion’s past. The revelation left him reeling, a sense of unease settling over him like a suffocating blanket.

“Why did you wait so long to tell me?” Peter demanded, his voice laced with frustration. “I thought if we ignored it, it would just go away.”

But as the truth of their haunted home unfurled before them, Peter couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that settled in the pit of his stomach. The once-grand mansion now felt like a prison, its walls closing in around them with each passing day.

“It made me feel like it was all my fault,” Jessica admitted, her voice trembling with guilt. “But we didn’t talk about it… it was isolating.”

As Peter grappled with the unsettling reality of their situation, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something sinister lurked within the mansion’s depths — a malevolent force that sought to consume him.

“Walking into that basement for the first time… it was like stepping into a nightmare,” Peter recalled, his voice heavy with dread. “It felt like the darkness itself was alive, waiting to swallow me whole.”

But as Peter’s unease grew, so too did the sinister presence that seemed to haunt every corner of their home. The once-quiet whispers of the past now echoed with malice, their presence a constant reminder of the darkness that lurked within.

“It felt like the longer I was in that house, the more it consumed me,” Peter confessed, his voice tinged with despair. “I don’t know if it was the house changing me… or if it was just me.”

And as Peter’s job took him away from the mansion for weeks on end, he couldn’t shake the feeling that the darkness that haunted their home had latched onto him, its tendrils wrapping around his soul with each passing day.

As the dark presence within their home grew ever more malevolent, Jessica found herself breathing a sigh of relief whenever Peter was away. His absence offered a temporary respite from the constant tension and fear that permeated their once-idyllic home.

“I just knew there wouldn’t be another day of yelling and screaming,” Jessica confessed, her voice heavy with sadness. “I was happy when he left… even though it’s a sad thing to admit.”

But as Peter’s business trips took him away from home, the evil spirit that lurked within their walls grew bolder, its sinister intentions becoming increasingly clear. One fateful day, as Jessica and Paul returned home from church, they were greeted by a chilling message left on their answering machine — a message that left them paralyzed with fear.

“It wasn’t human,” Jessica recalled, her voice trembling with terror. “It was like… it wanted us gone.”

Terrified and desperate for help, Jessica reached out to the church, hoping that the power of faith would drive out the malevolent presence that had taken hold of their home. But even the prayers of the faithful were no match for the darkness that lurked within the mansion’s depths.

“They were visibly upset,” Jessica recounted, her voice heavy with disappointment. “But it felt like… maybe it could get better.”

As Peter’s absences grew longer and more frequent, Jessica tried to remain strong for Paul, but the terror that gripped their home refused to loosen its hold. And one fateful night, as Jessica lay awake in bed, she felt the chilling presence of the dark entity that had haunted their home for so long.

“I saw it… that thing,” Jessica whispered, her voice choked with fear. “I couldn’t move… I thought it was going to get me.”

In a desperate bid to protect her son, Jessica fled the house, her heart pounding with terror as she raced to safety. And as they drove away from the mansion that had been their prison for so long, Jessica knew that they could never return.

“We needed to sell it… and move,” Jessica admitted, her voice heavy with regret. “Family is definitely more important than any house.”

And as the Rice family left behind the horrors of their haunted home, they hoped and prayed that no one else would ever have to endure the same nightmare that had torn their family apart. Yet, even as they moved on with their lives, the questions remained unanswered, the mysteries of their ordeal buried deep within the shadows of the past.



Ghost Hunters

I am a passionate writer about topics that have my interest: the paranormal, weight loss and giftedness.