Watch me build my second SaaS business, GhostiFi

Reilly Chase
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2018

I launched my first SaaS business, HostiFi, in May 2018 and since then it has grown from 0 to $2,000 MRR providing UniFi controller hosting to over 100 paying customers.

During that time, I also had the idea to create a VPS VPN service featuring on-demand and automated IP/location rebuilds, but it’s been on the back burner while I’ve been expanding HostiFi… until now.

I’ve recently been inspired to get started on it again after reading Pieter Level’s, and I want to share the entire process of building it in a series of short-form blog posts: from idea to MVP, and then (hopefully) revenue, new features, and growth.

I hope you will enjoy the firsthand view of the process and maybe it will inspire you to launch something of your own!

I’m also looking for feedback on the idea itself, and beta testers, so if the product sounds interesting to you please sign-up for the newsletter at

Here is the timeline so far

August 2018: I recognized problems common to all VPN services

I’ve used several different VPN services over the years, but found common problems with all of them:

  • Slow, inconsistent speeds
  • Claim not to log traffic, but no way to verify that
  • IP addresses they provided were commonly being blocked by websites and services because they are known “bad”/VPN service IPs

September 2018: I created a proof-of-concept which solved the problem (for myself)

I decided to become my own VPN provider by running OpenVPN on a VPS. I found that this solved all the problems I had:

  • Speeds were ridiculously fast, averaging 1–2Gbps
  • I had control over logging, so I knew my logs weren’t being sold to advertisers
  • The IP addresses were clean, not blocked by any websites or services

The only problem was that when I wanted to change IPs or move the VPS to another country, I had to rebuild it all over again.

So that’s when I came up with the idea of a web interface that can do that with a click of a button. Or even do it automatically, say daily, weekly, or monthly, cycling through IP addresses and locations.

November 2018: Started development

I started working on the idea by sketching how the interface would look, and writing down a high-level overview of how each feature would be accomplished programmatically.

Yesterday: Announced development and began market validation

Branded the concept, and set up the landing page. Also, I’m putting this idea out there on LinkedIn, Twitter, and this post looking for feedback.

Is this a good idea?

Would you pay for it? How much?

Any features missing that you think are important?

Let me know!

What I’ve worked on so far:

Follow GhostiFi on Twitter for updates, and join our mailing list at!

