Ghost Trader — A Fireside Chat

Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2023

As you read this piece, we are crossing a major threshold for the Ghost Trader project. Almost exactly a year ago today, the team introduced our updated, more refined tokenomics design. That moment represented a watershed moment for the project in terms of our being able to prove ourselves.

Changes and Growth

We have remained very proud of that accomplishment. Many projects simply never overcome such a major adjustment. And yet, the GTR team managed to meet the task by implementing those great and necessary updates, and subsequently make even greater strides in terms of the overall success of the project. We have grown precisely because we laid the groundwork for success early, by keeping the rate of change manageable.

Through it all, we could not have succeeded without the support and faith of our community. Through all of the ups and downs, you have remained steadfast in support of the overall vision and mission of GTR. We owe you our gratitude. While we know that silence breeds discontent, we appreciate those who maintain their conviction to the plan.

We have hinted at some impending changes in the platform already. We will be releasing more details about the next steps very soon. For the time being, we have held off providing too many specifics. However, we believe that all will be revealed in due time. We believe that when it has, you — the community — will both understand and appreciate our reasoning. You will understand our relative silence for the moment.


We know why you have come to GTR. Everyone has their own particular reason. Maybe you have dreams of being able to retire a little earlier than you planned. to enjoy a few extra years of retirement leisure. Or maybe you want to be able to provide for your kids better, to pay for those extra music lessons or that pricey study abroad opportunity to Belgium. Maybe you just want to take your spouse on that amazing holiday you always wistfully talk about.

No matter what, at the end of the day we understand. It comes down to something simple, something universal. We all long for a better tomorrow, for ourselves, our friends, and our loved ones. That common dream motivates us all, and it provides the fuel that drives the team to succeed. Our mission… nay, our mandate, is simple. We want to empower our community to reach and achieve those unrequited desires, no matter how humble or extravagant. We see you, our beloved community, as friends and fellow travelers in this grand campaign.

We know how difficult it has been. We, too, have been there. We, too, share that dream.

Dreams Deferred

Despite our dreams and our goals, the financial markets have proven fickle, especially for us, the common lot. If we are forced to be honest with ourselves, the markets remain entirely inscrutable for the vast majority of us. They do not remain a mystery to us because we lack the intelligence or the insight to understand them. We lack the time, the energy, the opportunity, and even the access to fundamental knowledge or guidance to help us through our mistakes.

Ultimately, that discrepancy, that disparity… that means all the difference between the life we live and the life for which we long.

Dreams Reignited

At the end of the day, our understanding ultimately provided our team the motivation to build GTR in the first place. We recognize that the gulf between those who can and those who cannot more often depends on the gulf between those who have and those who have not. We know how dim those dreams burn sometimes, particularly when the market has punished us all so.

We believe those dreams need to reignite, to burn brighter than ever. You, our resolute community of contributors, you have already provided the spark. We, the team at GTR, tend to provide the kindling, the logs, the steady breath of oxygen that will cultivate this smoldering promise into a conflagration of dreams fulfilled.

Join Us

If you have just come across our project, or you are not yet a member of our community, we encourage you to join us on this exciting journey. And for our current contributors, stay tuned for more updates and developments as we continue to grow and evolve together.

No better time exists than the present to bridge the divide. Please be sure to stay tuned to our social media outlets moving forward for updates and news of the Ghost Trader project. We invite you to check out our official Ghost Trader website, join us either on Telegram or Discord, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and be sure to check out the podcast found here.




Welcome to the Official Ghost Trader Medium page! Ghost Trader is one of the most exciting new projects on the Ethereum network. Stay tuned for more updates.