Ghost Trader — Aiming High

Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2023

Last week, the UK contingent of the Ghost Trader team had the pleasure of attending the AIM London summit, one of the largest gatherings in the alternative investment management space. This marks the fifth major conference GTR has attended, and the second time we have attended AIM London. Our team had a great time representing the project, as well as becoming acquainted with other actors in the space.

Aiming High

AIM, which stands for Alternative Investment Management, sponsors conferences all over the world. These conferences aim to draw together investors and managers from a range of sectors. Those sectors include hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, private debt, digital assets, and FinTech. These summits provide many opportunities for our team.

Most notably, they allow us to connect with global industry leaders, engaging in dynamic conversations on investment developments, global market conditions, and the latest trends. These summits provide immense value to the space. They function as a networking forum that allows us to exchange best practices and innovative know-how with our peers.

Birds of a Feather — Conversing With Like Minds

While at AIM London, we had the pleasure of meeting with a number of impressive projects in the space. One that stood out in particular was Zokyo, a security, design, and development firm focused on providing blockchain solutions to startups and enterprise organizations. Led by founder and CEO Hartej Sawhney, Zokyo’s guiding philosophy and approach to the FinTech blockchain space aligned closely with our own.

The AIM Summit provided a unique opportunity for members of the Ghost Trader team to engage with other participants in the alternative investment industry. Throughout the summit, our team was able to network with a variety of professionals from various sectors, including hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, and more. The summit was an ideal space for knowledge-sharing and to discuss the latest trends and innovations in the alternative investment management industry. The discussions at AIM London were centered on the latest market conditions and investment developments, providing valuable insights and perspectives for our team.

During the conference, the Ghost Trader team had the opportunity to speak with a number of knowledgeable and impressive experts in their respective fields. The variety of topics related to alternative investment management impressed our team. These summits have clearly continued to grow and expand their mandate.

The conference provided a great deal of insight into the direction of the market generally. With the emphasis on alternatives to traditional finance, much of the discussion focused on the potential for blockchain technology to improve transparency and security in the alternative investment industry. By using blockchain to record and track investment transactions, investors can be assured that their investments are secure and that all parties involved in the investment process are held accountable. This new technological transparency keeps everyone more honest. Ultimately, that works to the benefit of everyone.

Many discussions touched on the potential for blockchain to democratize access to investment opportunities. This proved to be of particular interest for us. It always gives us confidence when we hear others discuss the prospects and interests particularly of smaller investors. They have traditionally been excluded from traditional investment channels in the past. It also indicates that we have chosen the correct path.

This is an exciting prospect, and one that we at Ghost Trader are very interested in exploring further. Overall, the AIM summit was a great success for us, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have attended. We look forward to attending future conferences and continuing to explore the exciting world of alternative investment management.

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No better time exists than the present to bridge the divide. Please be sure to stay tuned to our social media outlets moving forward for updates and news of the Ghost Trader project. We invite you to check out our official Ghost Trader website, join us either on Telegram or Discord, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and be sure to check out the podcast found here.




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