Ghost Trader and Freedom

Published in
5 min readJul 6, 2022

If you happen to be reading these words, chances are pretty good that you are searching for a way to create a better life for yourself. By some happy accident, your search brought you here. Maybe you stumbled across us due to the magic of internet search algorithms. Possibly, you already have some familiarity with the Ghost Trader project. Perhaps someone who knows you referred you to us.

No matter how you found us, no matter whether you are a veteran or this is your first introduction to our project, we welcome you. We are happy to have you here, and we are pleased and honored by your interest in our project.

Opening Our Doors to the Future

For quite a while now, the trends of the market have dictated most of the topics covered here. Gone are the heady, exuberant days of the bull cycle, and all of the risk tolerance it entails. The market has officially settled into “crypto winter.” With the arrival of the bear market, so too have the problems that usually accompany such a downturn.

While our primary mandate here is to promote the Ghost Trader project, a significant part of our mission is to help educate the community and to provide insights into its workings. We would be remiss in our duties to our community if we ignored or gave it short shrift. It is, after all, our responsibility to inform the public whenever and wherever possible.

Today, though, the aim is to articulate better our vision moving forward and to highlight aspects of the project that are intended to protect our contributors. This is not so much a case of ignoring the metaphorical burning building as recognizing that the first-responders have arrived, and they have a plan.

Of These, Hope

Most of us found our way here because we are searching for a means of improving our financial lives. Whether you consider yourself the staunchest of risk-averse investors, or you are a “filthy degen”, ultimately, we all want independence. We want more freedom in our lives — freedom from want, freedom to live life on our terms, freedom to defy traditional financial constraints.

Money, as they say, may not buy happiness, but it sure does help. That aspiration brought us all here in the first place. Whatever freedom means to each of us, we believe that we can achieve it, and we will find it in the digital asset space.

Freedom Isn’t Free

Unfortunately, freedom gets terminally misunderstood. It is not a state of being. It requires constant effort and vigilance. Freedom requires action, a plan. Freedom also requires tools, and vision. Mostly, freedom requires hope. Where there is hope, there is motivation to find a way.

One of the great things about Ghost Trader is that we have already created the plan. We have provided the tools. We have the vision, proven during the worst sustained global market slide in almost a generation. Rather than belabor the continuous past successes of the Ghost Trader team, though, we will focus on the future.

A Fund By Any Other Name

Our project is unique, incorporating the best aspects of traditional and decentralized finance. Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel, as they say, Ghost Trader is about taking the best ideas out there and re-imagining them for the new digital era, all for the benefit of our contributors. This novel approach has enabled us to provide our community the most powerful tool for achieving personal freedom, anywhere.

The truth of the matter is that Ghost Trader is not really a hedge fund. Sure, we share similarities with the big boys. We employ some of the same strategies, we abide by similar technical trading principles, and operate within many common market spaces. As far as how the ecosystem works, the flexibility and utility being provided to our contributors, and the high level of direct community interaction and input to the project itself sets us in our own incredibly unique category.

A Wholly Different Animal

Ghost Trader is something entirely different. We are not a one-size-fits-most financial mediocrity like what typically floods the traditional financial markets. Neither are we some exclusive pay-to-play privilege to the point of wholesale exclusion. Rather than actively preventing smaller players from even getting a seat at the table, we welcome them. Our project only becomes stronger as we help more people reach for their goals.

As we have covered previously, the entire ecosystem provides access to the highest echelon of trading expertise, along with targeted exposure to traditional trading markets. Additionally, though, Ghost Trader has created a capital preservation vehicle the likes of which have never been seen before.

Rather than watching one’s assets bounce all over the place with the volatility of the overall market, our contributors instead enjoy the peace of mind in knowing that risk management supersedes all other concerns for our team, even while they enjoy market-beating, relatively stable returns that beat the figurative pants off of traditional finance.

By providing the means of capital preservation while simultaneously providing a real and effective inflation hedge, our contributors can rest easy knowing that financial freedom does not just exist, but they have the opportunity to realize their goals using Ghost Trader’s platform and ecosystem.

Join Us

Register here on our website to secure your opportunity to join one of the most exclusive communities in the financial world. Also, be sure to stay tuned to our social media outlets moving forward for updates and news of the Ghost Trader project. We invite you to check out our official Ghost Trader website, join us either on Telegram or Discord, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and be sure to check out the podcast. We just dropped a new episode last weekend, and it is a real stunner.




Welcome to the Official Ghost Trader Medium page! Ghost Trader is one of the most exciting new projects on the Ethereum network. Stay tuned for more updates.