Ghost Trader — Introducing ArkFi

Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2023

Now that Ghost Trader has been a successful project for well over a year, we would like to take a moment to bring some attention to a newer project on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Despite our recent migration to Ethereum, we nevertheless retain our status as grizzled veterans of the BSC, and therefore intend to support those coming up after us.

Throughout our time as a live project, we have witnessed all manner of ideas and projects and schemes filtering through the market. Some projects have impressed us with their innovation and overall vision. Others, unfortunately, did not. We have seen much of what works, and even more of what does not. DeFi represents essentially the bleeding edge frontier of commercial startups, and the failure rate proves it.

Paying It Forward

Ghost Trader has benefitted from the expertise and guidance of other projects, as well as the strength of the community at large. Therefore, when a new project comes along that shows some promise and seems to operate in a faithful, professional, and forthright manner, we feel inspired to help get more eyes on it. We are, after all, fans of the technology generally, and this sector specifically.

As our team has maintained from the beginning, the best pathway to building the industry we want to see is through cooperation. That cooperation starts with helping others become successful in their own right. We believe that when good projects succeed, everyone benefits. We want to hold the door open for these newer projects.

For obvious reasons, please do not interpret anything here as financial advice. If you find this content interesting or compelling, we strongly suggest that you spend time researching the project and familiarizing yourself with how it works. As with all projects in this space, there are always risks. For the record, Ghost Trader does not hold any financial interest in ArkFi. Please be responsible when supporting or operating blockchain technology project.

ArkFi — An Intriguing Yield Play

ArkFi launched their project almost exactly a year after GTR launched. The team conceived of ArkFi as a project intended for developing a stable of simplified decentralized finance (DeFi) products for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the volatility typical of traditional markets.

The most important aspect of this project is that it does require a permanent stake of one’s initial contribution. In other words, the assets you stake are staked perpetually. Ideally, this permanent stake should effectively provide asset stability for future operations.

Looking at their platform, ArkFi offers numerous ways of generating yield for their contributors. ArkFi provides multiple opportunities for generating a passive income stream for their contributors. The hard staking, mentioned previously, generates a daily yield for contributors. The yield gets paid out in nativecoin, and their coin has backing by BUSD, Binance’s stablecoin. Hard-staked assets have a maximum payout limit equal to three times the original contribution initially locked. Each time new assets become staked, the assets undergirding the project grow larger, providing the project with more liquidity with which to generate profits for yield purposes.

Additionally, the project also offers NFTs that allow holders to benefit from fees generated by transactions on their platform. The more transactions occur within their ecosystem, the greater the passive income stream that gets paid out to their NFT holders. And of course, ArkFi also offers their community the ability to earn rewards on referrals.

The focus for the project is stability. They crafted their yield mechanics to incentivize “good behavior”, i.e., keeping daily gains inside the ecosystem and grow it organically. By encouraging auto-compounding back into the project and creating a balanced withdrawal system that aims to sustain the token price for all holders, the project design should lead to steady longevity.

As one of their podcasters said recently on one of their daily episodes, people should not have to work countless hours, every day just to survive. The advent of new technological advancements — the AI revolution, DeFi, all of it — should make our lives easier and less stressful. We could not agree more.

DRIP 2.0

The entire ArkFi project shows a remarkable amount of sophistication. This applies to both the mechanics of their platform and the ArkFi DApp itself. The entire project indicates clearly that lots of attention and design sensibility went into designing and executing it.

In many ways, ArkFi could be seen as DRIP 2.0. For those of you unfamiliar with the original DRIP, here is the long and short of it. DRIP was another yield project, and it also held a great deal of promise. Unfortunately, it never managed to gain much traction, and as a result just never managed to hit critical mass.

Part of what undermined DRIP was a reliance on more aggressive yield generation strategies. Such strategies just simply could not be maintained in a crashing market. Last year proved a challenge to everyone, but particularly those projects predicated upon constant economic inflation.

ArkFi, on the other hand, seems to have taken many lessons from DRIP. They are building what amounts to DRIP 2.0, built specifically for bear market success. It’s clever. And it may just work. They took what worked about DRIP and improved it, and they threw out what did not. Sometimes, experience and learning are required to complete a mass adoption platform. The succession of Napster by Spotify or of Myspace by Facebook are shining examples of lessons learnt to build on the stepping stones of success. ArkFi intends to walk the same path in the ROI platform arena.

The ArkFi team instead prefers employing lower risk strategies that will ideally generate reliable passive income for their holders. The ArkFi team have former DRIP team members consulting on project buildout and strategy, and they clearly have an extremely talented development team. In this way, ArkFi operates under the same sort of practical mandate that informs Ghost Trader.

In Closing…

Clearly, this piece just scratches the surface. Our readership should not take this brief piece as comprehensive. It only hits the high spots. We did not have the space to cover the mobile app they have already begun developing, their daily podcast, nor their burgeoning partnership with UltimoPay. All of these developments look incredibly promising for an already exciting project, and lead us to believe that we could expect some great things from this team.

At the end of the day, we mean it only to prompt others to take a closer look. We have already. We like what we see, and we believe ArkFi has a bright future. Clearly this is not intended as financial advice. We will watch from the sidelines, and continue to follow them with interest. They have an extremely talented, dedicated team with a great deal of experience on their side. We wish them all the best.

ArkFi Socials

If this is your first introduction to ArkFi, we would like to direct you to their socials. Check out their official ArkFi website, as well as their Telegram or Discord communities. Be sure to follow them on Twitter, as well.




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