Ghost Trader — Steady As She Goes

Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2023

When it comes to the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency, keeping pace with the times requires constant innovation. At Ghost Trader (GTR), we have been hard at work behind the scenes developing new strategies and products to ensure our community stays ahead of the curve.

We realize that we have maintained a pretty low profile as of late, particularly on the heels of closing out our first full year as a project. Nevertheless, we have some exciting developments in store for our contributors.

One Year and Counting: Celebrating GTR’s Updated Tokenomics and Continued Growth

It may feel difficult to believe that a year has passed since we transitioned to our new and updated tokenomics. The time has passed swiftly for us. Time always flies when you are having fun. Our aim is not to be flashy, loud, or garish. Instead, we prefer the understated approach. We believe that our results speak for themselves… and speak they have. Our continued growth and success are a testament to the hard work of our dedicated team and the support of our community.

Over the past year, we have achieved several key milestones. From the early success of the development of our decentralized application (DApp) to our migration to the Ethereum ecosystem, we have managed to move from success to success in a methodical, measured way. Our trading team has also just recently posted the latest in an unbroken string of gainful trading cycles dating back to the project’s inception.

Steady Progress and Incremental Development: A Look Back at GTR’s Accomplishments

At GTR, we believe in the power of steady progress and incremental development. We have always taken a consistent approach to our project’s growth, making strategic updates and improvements along the way as needed.

As most of you know already, the financial markets have roiled for the past year and more, displaying frightening volatility and downward trends since the launch of our project. Despite the Sturm und Drang of the market analysts — both bulls and bears — our trading team has remained steadfast in their dedication to taking smart risks. Our traders take positions when the probabilities favor the community. Compared to the rest of the market, we feel our approach has proven itself superior to the competition, both in traditional finance and in DeFi .

Whether adjusting our trading activity to be more in accordance with the current geopolitical realities or enhancing our DApp functionality, we have continually improved our approach and our platform to better serve our community. Our focus on steady development has helped us stay ahead of the curve and positioned us for continued success long into the future.

A New Option — Fixed Returns: A Safe Haven for Contributors in Today’s Volatile Market

In today’s volatile market, many investors are looking for safe havens for their contributions. Therefore, we are excited to introduce our new fixed returns option at GTR. This new option will offer contributors a lower-risk way to participate in our project while still earning steady returns. While this option has not gone live yet, we will be rolling it out very soon.

Our fixed returns option fits perfectly into our overall management strategy, which prioritizes safe and consistent growth for our community. We believe this new offering will provide a valuable new option to our platform, offering an attractive alternative for contributors looking to diversify their investments and reduce their volatility risks even further.

Introducing the GTR Cryptocurrency Index: A Revolutionary New Way to Diversify Your Portfolio

One of the most exciting developments on the horizon at GTR is our upcoming Cryptocurrency Index. This revolutionary new opportunity will provide our community members with access to proper digital asset portfolio diversification as a native part of the GTR ecosystem — all without dealing with the headaches of having to leave our ecosystem at all.

We intend to release the Cryptocurrency Index sometime this summer. It promises to be a game-changer for digital asset portfolio management. We believe it will be an excellent and welcome addition to our already successful platform, offering our community even more opportunities for growth and success.

The Bottom Line

At GTR, we are always looking for ways to innovate and improve our platform, to bridging the divide. Our consistent and steady approach to development has helped us achieve remarkable success over the past year, despite the global drama. We believe our roadmap will allow us to weather whatever the future holds for us. The team is excited about the upcoming developments we have in store, and look forward to sharing more with our community in the future.

Join Us

If you have just come across our project, or you are not yet a member of our community, we encourage you to join us on this exciting journey. And for our current contributors, stay tuned for more updates and developments as we continue to grow and evolve together.

No better time exists than the present to bridge the divide. Please be sure to stay tuned to our social media outlets moving forward for updates and news of the Ghost Trader project. We invite you to check out our official Ghost Trader website, join us either on Telegram or Discord, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and be sure to check out the podcast found here.




Welcome to the Official Ghost Trader Medium page! Ghost Trader is one of the most exciting new projects on the Ethereum network. Stay tuned for more updates.