Ghost Trader — Unique Reliability In A Precarious Market

Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2023

As the days count down and Ghost Trader’s imminent migration to the Ethereum network draws closer, the Ghost Trader team would like to take a moment to introduce our project to the Ethereum community. Hopefully, you will have heard of GTR by reputation and track record. In case you have not, allow us to explain what we do, and why.

Transparency and contributor education stands at the forefront of everything we do, so it is of the utmost importance that newcomers understand what makes GTR so different than everything else in the market, and why that is so important. In the coming weeks, we will delve into the nuts and bolts of GTR once more, for the benefit of new contributors and old alike. For now, however, please allow us to introduce ourselves properly.

The What

Ghost Trader was envisioned from inception as a means of offering top-shelf financial service to people who previously never had access to people with the highest levels of wealth management skill. In other words, GTR has democratized access to high competence wealth management.

As anyone knows, wealth often dictates access. Consequently, the traditional approach to doing business has simply frozen out the vast majority of people. Blockchain technology provides the team the ability to bypass old blueprint for doing business, allowing us to bridge the divide for those who have been left behind.

We took the best of the traditional approach and integrated it with cutting edge smart contract technology. The result offers contributors an incredibly unique financial service, one never seen before now. Currently, nothing in the market compares to it, or to the team. Sure, technically GTR appears as a cryptocurrency project from the outside looking in. In reality, the technology simply provides us the means of interacting with our contributors in a less elitist and more efficient manner.

Head And Shoulders Above The Rest

While GTR eschews the snobbish pretentiousness of traditional wealth management, the team still delivers market-crushing performance for its contributors. Traditional hedge funds have difficulty rivaling what we provide, both in the immediacy of the service and the overall performance. As discussed here, the GTR team has successfully delivered performance that managed to outpace all near-peers.

The team clocked in better returns — in a single year and under the worst market conditions of almost an entire generation — than the average performance of the top 50 hedge funds in the world over a period of four years. Those four years included GTR’s inaugural year.

At the end of the day, GTR provides a self-directed, boutique wealth management solution that relies on blockchain technology as a means of interacting digitally with our contributors.

The Why

Looking back on the previous year, 2022 brought with it world-shaking events on an almost monthly basis. It truly was a blockbuster year for important changes, and the speed of those changes has never ceased, only accelerated. This year has proven itself no different, and already promises to shape up to be busier and even more chaotic. The world still balances on the economic knife’s edge, teetering between minor recession and abject global collapse.

Between the Russian war, political instability in Turkey, and the post-Covid re-opening of China to name but a small handful of problems, we all face a chaotic, largely anarchic mess at the global level. These waters clearly are not for the faint of heart, nor are they for the brash and the stupid.

Navigating such treacherous waters successfully requires immense skill and experience. Until now, neither of those characteristics came easy or inexpensively. Ghost Trader has changed all of that. At GTR, we provide the everyday contributor to benefit from the steady hands and astute minds of master traders. Rather than leaving so many to their own devices amongst the bewildering complexity of global markets, our team has created a powerful solution for the rest of us.

The Way Forward

We would like to invite you to join us on this journey. Remember, this is still only the beginning. Please be sure to stay tuned to our social media outlets moving forward for updates and news of the Ghost Trader project. We invite you to check out our official Ghost Trader website, join us either on Telegram or Discord, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and be sure to check out the podcast found here.




Welcome to the Official Ghost Trader Medium page! Ghost Trader is one of the most exciting new projects on the Ethereum network. Stay tuned for more updates.