GTR — Success Like Clockwork

Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2022

It is a rare phenomenon indeed when an ambitious, complex plan ultimately comes together. Such plans tend to require skill and effort in equal measure, not to mention a significant amount of luck. Rarer still are those unique successes in which most of us get the opportunity to participate. Perhaps this explains why General John ‘Hannibal’ Smith placed so much emphasis on relishing the fruits of a successful, well-laid plan. They tend to not come around too often for most of us.

Taking a Moment

Speaking of well-laid plans, GTR recently announced a major step forward for our project. As you probably already know if you have been following GTR for any length of time, the project just recently succeeded in fulfilling the completion of our full-version ecosystem. By rolling out the Withdrawal function, the team has instituted the final component to our custom DApp.

This new mechanic makes deposits fully accessible to their holders, and enables contributors to both contribute and withdraw funds according to their prerogative. By instituting the withdrawal option, GTR NFTs now function in a somewhat similar fashion to 30 day high-yield call accounts. Now that the withdrawal function has been engaged, contributors have essentially no restrictions on their ability to deposit into or withdraw from their NFTs.

There are various technical differences between the two. Still, the main GTR aim is to provide a new and novel cutting-edge alternative financial instrument that nevertheless maintains a familiar end user experience. The team is proud of its achievements so far.

A Track Record Unparalleled

Our team designed and built the GTR ecosystem for one purpose — to bridge the divide. But without the trading team, the team’s goals would be much more difficult to reach. Luckily, GTR has also consistently beaten the market since launch, and looks poised to book another profitable, successful launch.

We continue to offer one of the greatest opportunities for people searching for consistency and superior performance in this space. With an unparalleled track record and undeniable pedigree of hard-won experience and success, the results speak for themselves.

The Faith of Our Community

One of the most important focuses for the GTR project moving forward will be asset accumulation. More assets under management provides the team a significantly greater panoply of options in terms of trading strategy and margin for error. Since the withdrawal function went live, our community has continued encouragingly to show immense faith and confidence in our project and the team. As of last calculation, the community has contributed an additional $100k more into the GTR trading pool via their NFT deposits, with several other large contributions pending.

This represents a significant percentage growth in the size of the trading pool, and brings the team ever closer to our early capital accumulation goal. The team expects further and greater successes as the market proceeds to the end of the year.

The Road Ahead

Make no mistake, there remains significant work ahead. The team will continue to work tirelessly to make manifest GTR’s promise of bridging the divide. Nevertheless, the entire team is proud to take a moment to acknowledge the importance of reaching this waypoint along the journey. The team appreciates the patience and faith our steadfast community has shown in the team. Our success is your success.

A Brief Reminder

Just to review the withdrawal process, details are as follows. Starting September 1st, requests for withdrawals will need to be requested by the 10th day of each month in order to be disbursed at the end of that trading cycle. To access the withdrawal function, simply use our custom DApp like you would for depositing contributions. The only difference is that one should use the designated “Withdraw” button, found directly beneath the “Top Up” button.

As a reminder, please submit any queries relating to withdrawals to our support address: We are pleased that our community supports this new, game-changing GTR feature.

Join Us

Please be sure to stay tuned to our social media outlets moving forward for updates and news of the Ghost Trader project. We invite you to check out our official Ghost Trader website, join us either on Telegram or Discord, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn, and be sure to check out the podcast found here.




Welcome to the Official Ghost Trader Medium page! Ghost Trader is one of the most exciting new projects on the Ethereum network. Stay tuned for more updates.