How To Get Rid Of Acne

Gianluca Vinci
Published in
7 min readApr 24, 2018

Getting Rid of Acne — The Ultimate Ways

Acne can be irritating and embarrassing. But why use over-the-counter products when it can be treated and cured naturally? Read to find out how.

You can easily find a number of products to help you get rid of acne, but why go to the local drugstore when you can cure the problem naturally? With the very correct combination of a few household items, you can perfectly clear your complexion in no time, and find the right way to answer at your question : How to get rid of Acne?


First of all, do not squeeze or pop the spots in any circumstances, as that could make the situation worse and the inflammation might spread. Severe lesions sometimes have to be removed, but this should only be done by a physician.

Second, you need a healthy diet. This means not eating fried foods, refined sugar or any food with trans-fats. This includes margarine and other milk products or packaged foods. Try eating vegetables and fresh fruits to increase fiber consumption.

Furthermore, drink plenty of water, ideally at least eight glasses every day. That’s almost two liters of water a day. An unhealthy diet does not cause acne, but it make it spread. That’s why it’s really important to control your intake. For instance, caffeine, carbonated drinks and even chocolate can quickly increase the inflammation on your skin.

How Can Food Help?

It’s always a good idea to add natural supplements to your diet. For example, Vitamin A can help to reduce acne inflammation; while Vitamin B6 can help you prevent mid-cycle acne. Another way to reduce inflammation and kill the bacteria which cause acne is by applying tea tree oil. Using small amounts of tea tree oil gel usually works slowly, but is less irritating for your skin. When talking about natural supplements, it’s also important to mention omega-3 oils.

Furthermore, there is a strong link between exercising and a healthy skin. This is because the increased blood flow during exercise nourishes skin cells by providing oxygen and other nutrients. However, avoid working out during peak sun time, since that might cause sunburn. You can even protect your skin by using oil-free sunscreen.

Some More Easy Ways to Get Rid of Acne

Washing your face routinely is very important for clear skin. Make sure you use some kind of mild cleanser, which is a must have for a sensitive skin. Washing helps you to remove dirt and even dead skin cells which might accumulate over time. All of which can be taken care of while preserving your skin.

Natural Ways to Cure Acne

Acne is caused by the clogging of hair follicles with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It is considered a major contributor of low self-esteem in both adolescents and adults.

Acne could be a natural way of your body conveying a vital message to you. Consider the following tips on how to live an acne free life.

1. Management of stress

Your body responds to stress by directing blood and oxygen to the key organs that help in fighting stress. In this process, your skin is left dry and hence susceptible to clogged pores that may eventually lead to breakouts.

You can manage stress by exercising, since this triggers sweating of the body hence cleansing the pores. Peaceful sleep also ultimately improves metabolism rate hence leading to reduced stress and eventually zero acne skin.

2. Fasting

It sounds weird, doesn’t it? Scientific research has shown that when you fast, your body redirects the energy that would have been used in the digestion of food to other activities like healing, cleansing and restoration of your skin. This works literally for all skin types.

3. Observe your Diet

A well balanced diet is very crucial in the development and performance of your body organs and system at large.

Just like in body weight issues, you need to watch your food intake in order to ensure you have a good skin. Incorporate fruits in your diet, instead of junk foods like pizza which has a lot of oil, hence can be a nightmare to your skin.

Rich in nutrients and vitamins, fruits help in the healing, cleansing and even maintenance of the body PH, and hence, a good skin free of acne.

4. Hygiene

When oil from your body mixes with dead skin cells, your skin pores become clogged! This creates a suitable breeding ground for the bacteria, hence may lead to skin outbreaks. You can prevent these skin outbreaks by ensuring that you bathe daily, and also, wash your face at least twice a day.

Curing acne is one of the big questions that almost everyone wants an answer to. We all desire to have beautiful skin free of acne, as this helps in the enhancement of high self-esteem. To make sure acne-free skin, positively manage stress, observe your daily diet, maintain a higher level of health, and make sure that you practice hygienic habits like fasting. Enjoy the beauty of a clear skin as you put these into practice.


When it comes to having acne, we have all found that many treatments including certain prescription medications and creams do not always work, and more and more are now looking for alternative natural acne treatments.

By taking a closer look into your kitchen cupboards today, you may be surprised to find many ingredients you can begin using now that will help prevent and possibly even cure your acne. It’s time to invade your pantry!

Here are 3 Simple ideas for helping to cure and prevent acne


Not only is garlic good for keeping vampires away, and for purifying the blood, but its other main claim to fame is in the successful treatment of acne. When pimples are rubbed with raw garlic several times a day, they end up disappearing leaving no scars, even if you suffer from increasing persistent acne. By eating three pods of raw garlic once daily for a month, you will assist in purifying your blood stream as well as being rewarded with long-term pimple, zit and acne free skin. Just remember the breath mints!


Fenugreek is a vegetable and when its leaves are used as a paste and applied to the face every night before bed, and washed off in the morning with warm water, you will be preventing further pimples and blackheads from appearing.


Grate some cucumber and apply it to your face, eyes and neck for around fifteen to twenty minutes each day, you will find the best tonic for your skin, and with regular use, it helps to prevent pimples and blackheads.

Cure Acne ASAP — SIX Killer Home Remedies

Your skin represents the health of your body. Glowing skin shows a good deal of care, healthy diet and hydration. Skin with blackheads, whiteheads and other problems is the indicator of oxidative damage, hormonal imbalances and poor nutrition. Chronic acne and breakouts truly affect thousands of United States citizens every month. Many people end up using topical medications to get rid of acne. The safer route is natural remedies, though. Given below is a description of 6 remedies that can help you deal with this issue.

1. Gentle Cleansing

With thorough but soft cleansing, you can get rid of stubborn whiteheads, blackheads and pimples. All you have to do is dampen your skin with lukewarm water. Afterwards, you should rinse well and then pat your skin dry. We suggest that you do twice a day, especially after breakouts. It’s not a good idea to cleanse more often or you may irritate your skin.

2. Toning

For proper skin care, toning is what you should do. With this, you can remove the residue once you have done the cleansing. This will help your skin rejuvenate and the natural pH levels will be restored.

You can try apple cider vinegar for toning your skin. All you have to do is use cotton to apply the solution to the affected areas. Actually, apple cider vinegar is full of enzymes, acetic acid, magnesium and potassium.

3. Healing Masks

If you want to heal and hydrate your skin, make sure you apply the healing masks a few times per week. To make this mask, you can use essential oils, cinnamon, honey, yogurt and other ingredients for keeping your skin hydrated.

You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to the masks while you have an active breakout of acne. As a matter of fact, tea tree oil is on the list of the best remedies for acne.

4. Exfoliate

Common causes of acne include dead skin and clogged pores. We suggest that you exfoliate your skin properly. It’s not a good idea to opt for commercial products as they may be full of chemicals that may irritate your skin badly.

You can use DIY scrubs for acne. They are easy to make and keep your skin fresh. First of all, make sure you get something gritty. You can use ground oatmeal, brown sugar and sea salt. Aside from this, you are in need of a base, kefir and coconut. You can also add honey.

5. Spot Treat

Melalecua is another good choice for the treatment of acne. It’s known as tea tree oil. As a matter of fact, it’s used all over the world in order to treat wounds. Just like milk products, honey and coconut oil, it helps your body fight fungi and bacteria. You can make this solution with a few drops of coconut oil and tea tree oil.

6. Fight Bacteria

According to research studies, basil essential oils and holy basils are helpful in fighting acne. Tulsi tea and holy basil oil tea can be used to control hormone and blood sugar levels. Actually, these two conditions are associated with acne. So, if you take herbal tea on a daily basis, you can balance the hormones in a natural manner.

