A Little About Me

Gianna Lobman
Good Day Sunshine
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2024
Gianna Lobman: New Bern, NC

With the semester and my time with this blog coming to an end, there is no better time than to reveal the woman behind the curtain! My name is Gianna Lobman, and I am a Social Media & Digital Communications major and Graphic Design minor at High Point University. I am from the great state of “Almost New York,” also known as New Jersey. I’m in four honor societies, I get good grades, I have great friends, and I guess I can’t complain. But that’s not what you’re really here for.

When I was just five years old I knew what I wanted to be: Abby from NCIS (the show that I hyper-fixated on as a child). Needless to say, being a forensic scientist involved a lot more than just having cool black hair and a spider tattoo. From there I changed dream careers like seasons in a year: author, filmmaker, artist, photographer, journalist, etc. Though I wasn’t sure who exactly I wanted to be, I’ve always known that I was destined to create.

There isn’t much that I love in this world more than writing — other than my dog and my family, in that order. Words can be so powerful. They can inspire social change, incite revolutions, and connect feelings with moments and memories in time. The human experience wouldn’t be tangible without words.

For me, I love writing about the arts, and its involvement in social activism. Whether it’s conservation at music festivals, the constitutionality of using music in criminal trials, or using music to benefit social causes, I love tying art to everyday life. One of my biggest writing inspirations is Rob Sheffield, contributing editor for Rolling Stone Magazine. The way he uses music to highlight the mundane is so beautifully inspiring. Sometimes, the tiniest things in life bring us the greatest joys, and Rob makes sure to never let us forget the art of noticing.

Oh, and in case you were too lazy to read all that (I would be too), here is a quick list of things I love in order to know me best:

  1. Sunsets — I am by no means a morning person!
  2. My Dog — She makes even the smallest of tasks fun. She is living proof that with the right company, life never feels like a chore.
  3. Music — I couldn’t begin to adequately explain my love for music, but I’d venture to say ABBA said it best.
  4. My parents — I literally would not be here without them.
  5. People Watching — I am nothing but just a nosy onlooker. watching people go about their days, slowing down mine to notice the speed of others, has always been something worthy of admiration for me. There is some sense of solidarity in the random acts of humans, and existing at the same time in different timelines.

