3 Goals for a Healthier Organization

GiANT Worldwide
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2017

Just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither will the organization or team you lead reach its ideal healthy culture overnight…

“You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.” ~ Jim Rohn

Progress and change take time, but re-orienting your goals, adjusting your aim — that only takes a moment. And it’s the recalibration of your trajectory that ultimately determines where you land.

So for those of you striving to become a better leader and working to create a healthier culture, your journey begins today. You have the capacity to make significant progress on the road toward your vision, if only by adjusting your sights to the right targets.

Most leaders want to get better, but improvement begins with your goals. Establishing the right goals provides accountability and clarity throughout an often long and murky process. Knowing the challenge that lies ahead, here are three goals to consider for the journey:

1.) To Be Healthy

While we generally understand what it means to be healthy physically, many of us find defining organizational health and care to be much more elusive. We know the steps to physical health, such as exercise, eating right, eating less, etc, but the key factors to organizational health are not as clear as we would like them to be. While there are many potential answers to the question of effective indicators, Pat Lencioni provides a convincing summary of cultural success factors inside organizations in his book The Advantage:

  • Minimal Politics
  • Minimal Confusion
  • High Morale
  • High Productivity
  • Low Turnover

The reality is that healthy things grow. If your organization is healthy then you will experience the growth that you have dreamed about. In order to achieve that, however, it is pivotal that you slow down enough to work on the cultural pieces that sustain a healthy, thriving organization.

2.) To Be Productive

Most leaders love this word — PRODUCTIVE! Yet, productivity is more than working long hours and securing short term financial results. Healthy people produce. It is that simple. Get the first part right and you are halfway there. Productivity occurs when people have a proper balance of support and challenge. Too much of one can hinder the other. However, when leaders create a culture of resourcing and equipping their people in conjunction with providing the appropriate challenge to encourage hustle rather than hurry, productivity goes through the roof. As a leader, your example will set the tone.

3.) To Be Fruitful

Fruitfulness is the concept that one seed can produce hundreds of fruit. That’s influence at work within nature. So make multiplying influence the ultimate goal of both your leadership and organization in order to bear fruit in the lives of your team, family, organization, and community.

Healthy, Productive, and Fruitful

While each goal is equally important, the order of focus matters. Just as with a plant, you must start by becoming healthy yourself before you can bear any fruit and help your team achieve the same personal balance and liberation. From there, they will become more productive and then your company will become more fruitful.

When you create a nourishing culture you create a foundation of growth. By balancing support and challenge well, you show people what healthy productivity looks like. Once your people are at their best, you will get the best out of them and your organization will thrive.

In the end, being fruitful is a lifestyle decision that means giving yourself away for the benefit of the whole.

If you’re interested in learning more about how your goals affect your leadership and organizational health, we’re happy to schedule a meeting to discuss. Just click the contact button and let us know!



GiANT Worldwide

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