Evolving the GiANT Identity

It’s been 16 years since we first brought GiANT to life.

Connelly Rader
GiANT Worldwide
2 min readOct 29, 2018


GiANT is not a conventional company. While our mission — to become, build, and lead — has remained the same, our identity has shifted. This year we’ve introduced a brand new licensing division and developed GiANT TV all in the name of spreading our leadership language to raise up Liberators. With those considerations in mind, we are excited to share a new brand identity that aims to make GiANT more accessible and useful to our clients — wherever they may encounter it.

Designed for You

A few months ago HQ got together and fleshed out a new identity for the GiANT name; one that would carry the professionalism of a consulting group, the personality of a licensing company, and the accessibility of a media company. The simplicity still holds within it our story of humility.


Being a GiANT means many things, but at the core of our DNA sits three words:

Secure. Confident. Humble.

The logo strives to represent all three attributes. It’s secure in what it means: literally giant. It’s confidence speaks through its boldness and structure. It’s humility found in the preservation of the lowercase “i”.

The trajectory of the break in the “i” speaks to growth. It’s what happens when true liberation is brought into the life of anyone and everyone.

Rebrand Me

We want everyone in the GiANT Family to be able to represent the new identity. We’ve made it easy to wear our new look, just click here to get started. It will walk you through the essentials of rebranding yourself.

You’ll find logo files and Graphic Standards to download there as well.

Specific shout-out to Bronson Taylor, the key designer in this brand refresh. Such a pleasure to work alongside him in this implementation.

Question or comment? Direct them to connelly.rader@giantworldwide.com

