GiANT’s Guide to the New Year

Creating a Vision for 2020

Jeremie Kubicek
GiANT Worldwide
5 min readDec 30, 2019


Photo by Russ Ward on Unsplash

Without vision people will perish. Without vision (hope of what the future could be) people become hopeless.

Hopeless people allow circumstances to dictate the terms of how they live. Being dictated to creates a victim mindset which allows negativity to consume them.

Negative (hopeless) people lose influence and create negative cultures. Negative cultures are like toxic greenhouses which kill the life in people. In order to not kill the life in people it is vital that you work on your vision.

Let’s first take a subjective Vision test to see how strong your vision is.

First, do you feel like you have a Vision for 2020?

Second, 1–10 (10 being highest), how strong is your vision?

If you scored below 5 then you need to do some significant work on your vision. If it’s between 5–7 then you are in a yellow zone, which needs more focus. And, if you are from 7–10 then it may help to restate your vision and help other people get to their next Vision level.

To get to your vision, I like to start with looking at your dissatisfaction. This concept comes from the change equation, originally created by Richard Beckhard, I have innovated it in order to go deeper to help you.

Dissatisfaction appears to be starting with a negative, and in essence, it is. Most people that go to the doctor are going to solve an issue which is exactly how I’m viewing this Vision exercise, let’s get to the pain.

The Change Equation

Change = D x V x N > R (B / H / G)

Please don’t check out. This formula means this…

So, let’s start with Dissatisfaction.

What do you not like about your life and the direction you are heading right now? Where are you not satisfied as it relates to your future?

Now, let’s get to your vision. The best example I know comes from a girl’s group that might date me as I share it. The Spice Girls do a good job of explaining vision in one of their songs with “what do you want, do you really, really want?”

If your 2020 vision is to lose weight and look good naked, then that is what you really, really want.

If your vision for the next year is to take your business from X to Y, then that is what you really, really want.

Or, maybe, just maybe your vision is to restore a key relationship within the next 12 months.

So let’s practice. Answer this question by filling in the last portion.

In 2020, I really, really want…

Do another. Within the next 12 months I want…

Now, summarize it by saying, “my vision for 2020 is to…” and fill in the blanks.

Now that we have tackled Dissatisfaction and Vision, it’s time to put the plan to see that vision occur. This is where most people start — goal setting. Without looking at dissatisfaction and vision, however, you could be shooting in the dark, trying to fix what you haven’t fully known.

The N, in my version of the Change equation, is what is Naturally Next — the next steps to getting to what you really, really want.

The easiest way to do this is just make a list of whatever comes to mind. For example, if your dissatisfaction is with your weight and your historical lack of success in managing it; and your vision is to create a new mindset as it relates to a healthy lifestyle by changing patterns and losing X number of pounds, then your next steps could look like:

  • Stop drinking carbs
  • Spend 10 minutes each morning getting my mindset right on what I will and won’t do today.
  • Partner with a friend to exercise

You get it. The goal is to write down 3–5 tasks to accomplish your vision and smash your dissatisfaction.

It could be a Naturally Next list for restoring a relationship or growing your business or whatever your vision is.

Check in

How are you feeling so far? Don’t stop now. It’s time to confront the very things or people that could or will be the resistance to getting to what you really, really want in 2020.

Resistance is either a something (what) or a person (who) that might stop you from getting to your vision. Resistance is made up of either Barriers, Hurdles, or Gaps.

A Barrier is something that can’t be moved. It could be a government regulation or an actual law that you will need to work around in order to get to your vision.

A Hurdle is something that you will have to jump over to get to where you want to go. You can totally do it, but it takes energy and effort to hurdle it and can be very frustrating to deal with. This could be trying to get together with someone you are trying to restore a relationship with or recovery from an injury as you work to get back to your optimal health.

A Gap is a hole that needs to get filled before you can go on. This could be a key hire or maybe a certification you need to get to the level you want.

Without vision, life becomes negative. To get to vision you need to really look at your dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction can be solved, but it can take energy and effort that many give up on. The goal for you is to preserve and clearly define what you really, really want in 2020.

Then maybe, just maybe, you can help someone else deal with their dissatisfaction and get to their vision, too.

Blessings to each and every one of you. Keep fighting to get clarity and destroy any negativity. Do the hard work and once you do you will become more effective to those around you.

Want to learn more?

Last thing. If you like this and want to study this more, then explore all of GiANT’s content here:

