What in the World Does 100X Mean?

Part 2 of The 100X Leader

Jeremie Kubicek
GiANT Worldwide
3 min readFeb 22, 2019


When you see the phrase 100X, what comes to mind? Many people think it means “100 times,” as in multiplying the number 100 with something else. That is close, but not fully what it means.

Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash

100 means getting 100% healthy.

X means multiplying your health and your leadership to all those that you lead, from your family to your team members.

The issue is that there are people and leaders in our world at all levels. There are people that are:

  • 75+ They are 75% healthy and adding value to those they lead.
  • 60- These are people who are not healthy and who take away from all around them.
  • 40/ These are people who are sick and seem to divide everyone around them.

100X Leaders are the goal! We need more leaders that are healthy and more that have learned how to multiply their wisdom, insights and skills into others for the best of the team.

The phrase 100X is simple and deep all at the same time. The hallmarks of a 100% leader could look like the following:

  • They are secure in who they are and confident with their abilities while remaining humble to those they serve.
  • They are consistent in the way they lead so that people can count on them.
  • They are self-aware and responsive when they have erred.
  • They are intently for their people, not against them, or solely for themselves.
  • They have something to give others because they are full of the positive even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Although 100% is rarely reached, the aspiration of being as healthy as a leader can be and should be your goal — the ability to know yourself and lead yourself in order to be the most effective person/leader possible.

Becoming a 100X Leader is a journey, like climbing the highest mountain. To climb at the highest levels, you must become acclimated to leading at higher levels. You must face yourself and your tendencies in order to get higher. If you commit to getting truly healthy and allow the process to do its work, you are going to find yourself climbing at levels that were once unattainable.

The end goal? Once you journey up the mountain yourself and prove that you have what it takes, you will become the Sherpa for those you lead. You will help them climb to levels that they never thought possible.

Put together, 100X is a formula for leadership success — transformation of the leader and multiplication to those you lead.

We believe so much in this that we created the 100X Leader Summit as a free resource for teams around the globe to become 100% and learn how to multiply. Go to www.100Xleader.com/team to sign your team up for a 2.5 hour team experience.

