What’s Your ROI? Investing Your Time Better at Home & Work

GiANT Worldwide
Published in
2 min readSep 6, 2017

How do you know when things are worth your investment of time, effort, or resources?

Do you draw up a list of pros and cons?

Compare financial return versus cost?

Or maybe you approximate the relational capital you generate?

Perhaps you simply gauge the pure enjoyment and life giving nature of whatever you are considering at work or in your personal life?

Return on Investment

Whatever your method, taking the time to think about Return On Investment (ROI) is crucial to a well-spent, fully maximized personal and work life. Aristotle once said “the unexamined life is not worth living.” And it’s true. Without reflection and consideration, we lose both appreciation as well as an understanding of the beneficial or wasteful actions we take. Without ROI we have no idea whether our efforts are worthwhile or if they would be better used by directing our energy elsewhere.

If it’s been awhile since you really considered your ROI at work, take a minute to consider and answer a few simple questions for yourself and your organization.

  1. What is it worth to ensure your people are in the right role, working on the right things?
  2. What is the value of you making sure you are alive and full of energy and motivation for the role you are in?
  3. What is it worth to your organization to make sure you are hiring the very best people for the season you are in?

When it comes down to it, Return on Investment is simple. Divide what you have received by what it costs. Despite the simplicity, very few people actually take the time to understand their ROI on life, business, and personal decisions. If you do, however, you will find yourself spending your energy, efforts, and resources in more fruitful, fulfilling ways.

ROI at Home

Try taking this idea home and applying it to your family life:

  1. What is the ROI of spending more time with your kids?
  2. What is the ROI of spending more time with your spouse?
  3. How can you invest more strategically in these areas of your life?

Aside from improving your quality of life and relationships, investing in your family often generates greater return on investment at work due to a well-balanced lifestyle.

Many people will likely read this and wonder, do I really have the time for all that? For the reflection, planning, and hours it takes to invest in these key areas of your life?

The better question is, can you really afford not to?

If you’re interested in learning more about how to improve your ROI at work and home, we’re happy to schedule a meeting to discuss. Just click the contact button and let us know!



GiANT Worldwide

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