It’s Finally Here

Jeremie Kubicek
GiANT Worldwide
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2019

Today, I sat and read the world’s news.

  • Venezuela is being manipulated by a dominating leader.
  • Putin is spreading his power plays from Syria into South America.
  • Scandals inside companies and with athletes.

This is nothing new. Each week shares the same issues of missed expectations in both the character and competency of leaders around the globe.

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

This is precisely why Steve Cockram and I wrote the 100X Leader. Over the course of time we have found that:

  1. Most leaders want to do the right things.
  2. Most of them don’t know how to lead other people effectively because they either don’t have the tools or don’t know what to do.
  3. Most leaders have a hard time doing their work and leading people, so their people usually get the short end of the stick.
  4. Most cultures don’t reward the intentional, long-term process of apprenticing their people.

That is why we have written this book, the 100X Leader.

Many of you have already purchased it. Thank you! We so appreciate your support. As you read it I think you will see how it could be a field guide to helping people know how to get those they lead to higher levels while staying healthy themselves.

For those of you who have not had a chance to purchase the book, would you consider it? Go to or to the and pick your copy up.

By the way, since this is the last week that our book sales will count towards the list, would you consider picking one up for your team or for any you are leading/training?

Thanks for your partnership in getting people 100% healthy and for training them how to Multiply (X). Fighting for the highest possible good of those we lead is worth it!

