Giant Plan — GEX beta

Giant Project
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2019

We are at a point now when we can finally give you a sense of what GEX is about and why this is a game changer. Our goal is to make it as clear as possible and collect maximum feedback. We’ve undertaken a few initiatives to accomplish that.

GEX beta landing page

The presentation of GEX beta will go through several stages. Timeline, latest updates and releases will be accessible via a dedicated page. The final event of this plan is public testing that should start by the end of May. The landing page with further details will be released soon.

Giant Community Team

We’ve updated the framework, so it can meet the challenges and expanded workload in the future when the products get into operation. Read about the workflow to join the Giant Community Team!


Before delivering the concept of Giant Contracts and Giant.Exchange it’s important to make sure that all the main features of our technology are presented in a proper way. Several discussions were conducted in the general and community team chats. From now on it will have place in a dedicated chat available for everyone and moderated. Even if you don’t have technical background you are welcome to join and ask the questions that may arise, so we can address them in future releases. This will lay the foundation for press releases in the major crypto media.

Community newsfeed

Regular news and updates are extremely important in crypto. Unfortunately, the CoreTeam cannot keep the newsfeed as up-to-date as they would like. This may create the wrong impression, especially for people who do not read our regular updates on Discord or Github. We’ve prepared the framework that allows community participation in the content generation. Please, join the Community Team for further details.

Stay tuned to see the action!

Official website

