Latest Sprint News: Coding Is Power

Giant Project
Published in
5 min readFeb 17, 2019

The Giant team is ready to give you a briefing on what we were doing for the last two weeks since February 4 to February 17. Research, development and marketing were the main themes of our work this sprint but coding is what’s going to power our blockchain and decentralized applications. Let’s start with our developers!

Technologies Development

Project Giant (see the team here) is currently focused on Giant Contracts. The future system addition will be a rare case when the blockchain is modified by the smart contracts net after the launch of the former. There are numerous advantages that include, for example, an option to delete the obsolete smart contracts after holding a special transparent vote on a dApp that uses them. This will directly affect the long-term Giant blockchain scalability in a positive way.

The Giant smart contracts system has seen a major improvement this sprint thanks to the efforts of our JS Developer, Alexei Bokarev. Along with the addition of multiple payments function and the info on user funds, now it’s possible to calculate the exact fees for several basic actions connected with Giant Contracts. What’s even better is it’s now easier to develop the same mechanism for a variety of other contract-related operations in Giant decentralized applications.

In full accordance with our initial plans for the last two weeks, Dmitry Myachin has fully moved to smart contracts activities. His and Alexei’s work is reviewed by project CEO and Tech Lead Dmitry Filinberg who is always ready to assist on the various aspects of Giant blockchain and Giant.Exchange (GEX).

Working together with Ablai Tursumbekov on Front-End and fixing various interface bugs, Almas Abdrazak has also created an automatic clearing of the GEX internal logs data storage. You can see how it works on the following illustration. At the time of writing, the work is pending Dmitry Filinberg’s review and the corresponding Redmine task is likely to be closed at the end of this week.

Considering all of the above, coding was the main theme of this sprint, and as we’ve repeatedly stressed, nothing will help us better than our own determination and resolve to bring you a quality product that will prove the viability of Giant smart contracts system. There is also an internal research of smart contract technologies made by other teams. The final assessment is made by using several criteria. It’s important for all of us to stay in touch with the world of cryptocurrency.

Social Media & Business Contacts

And while our coders are doing everything in their power to give you a fast blockchain, reliable smart contracts and secure financial operations as soon as possible, Mikhail Maximov, Pavel Bulatov and Nikolay Korinets are working in the area of marketing. While Pavel is holding talks with Giant.Exchange designers, Mikhail and Nikolay were tasked with market research. Additionally, Nikolay has analyzed the history of the rival blockchain binary options platform agenda. He found many rhetorical and technological setbacks in comparison to Giant and then made two internal educational materials for everyone in the team to read. This will help the core group behind Giant to have a bigger-picture vision on the binary options market and the blockchain market.

Long ago, we’ve decided not to limit our online presence with sprint reports and backlogs only, and two new materials — Smart Contracts Security Discussion along with Giant Insight #9 — are available on our website. The first one elaborates on what’s to blame if the code goes wrong, and the second one is about the actual meaning behind Giant Community Governance. We strongly recommend to read both of these posts to have an even better understanding of our vision.

One of active community members — Discord nickname shef4ig#7780 — offered to make an analysis of the current situation on the binary options market, and we are glad to see such a sincere intention to help. He can also lend a hand in marketing among the binary options traders. The results of his survey will become a part of a wide Giant.Exchange promotion strategy.

The survey made by Vitaliy has an assessment of the regional distribution of the audience and of the main Web channels. He offered us several new Giant promotion tools. The work is still ongoing. Meanwhile, Vitaliy is ready to give you all some answers about this study:

  • Q: Why did you decide to study this market?
  • A: Because two large platforms — Binomo and Olymp Trade — have our target audience. This is extremely promising area for Giant marketing.
  • Q: How would you describe the current state of the binary options market in post-Soviet countries?
  • A: It’s a growing market with moderate competition. We need to invest in targeted advertisement to ensure a full-fledged Giant.Exchange introduction to the non-crypto binary options market.
  • Q: What’s the worst binary options problem that Giant.Exchange can solve?
  • A: First of all, it’s security, including the safety of user funds protected by the blockchain. Secondly, it’s the platform transparency and honest players regardless of their role — but we need to disseminate this message even more actively.

And indeed, we deem necessary for all of our potential clients to understand the uniqueness of our product, and this principle fully applies to non-crypto investors who have an experience in binary options.

If you read Giant.Insight #9, you are already aware that we are currently making a framework for community participation in the project development. The Giant team always welcomes your contribution! The upcoming Community Contribution mechanism will allow you to choose tasks that rhyme with your skills the most.


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