Latest sprint news: team, bounty, testing and our biggest achievement

Giant Project


Giant tells about the biggest breakthroughs of our work during Sprint #4 (30 July — 12 August 2018). Check out this article to see what we have made during this period of time and some minor hints of what may appear soon.


The ending 4th sprint was marked by a valuable addition to the Giant team. The results of the work of the new professional Project Manager are already visible — the internal communications of Giant have been optimized and the system of the evaluation of the work of each member is now actively being established. We continue to search for a talented JavaScript developer — as we have already mentioned in the previous materials, sometimes it is hard to choose a perfect candidate from the pool of applications. As recently mentioned by one of the members of Giant responsible for this process, lately there have been some very promising applications. We are likely to close this task in the next sprint.


GTM and Mintnodes are new two services which now allow to establish a Giant masternode. As a reminder, our masternodes establishment is already available on GIN — another platform which allows to become a key participant of cryptocurrency blockchains operated by nodes. Now that two more masternode platforms support Giant, the number of Giant node owners may increase just as it has at the day when the GIN added the support of our technology. More on masternodes governance and why it makes Giant.Exchange decentralized can be read in a new set of educational materials described below.

But what is probably the greatest achievement not only of this sprint, but of all three months of the project existence is listing of our cryptocurrency on Coinmarketcap. This tracking service provides the consolidated information on the crypto prices from a vast number of exchanges. Its credibility is so high that even the skeptical traditional business outlets cite it as a source of Bitcoin price. This all led the Giant team to believe that the addition of GIC to Coinmarketcap is one of the major breakthroughs of the sprint.

Social media

This week was marked by the full activation of our bounty or customer loyalty programs. We can already state that they have attracted a lot of attention, although some participants are not following the instructions to the letter (perhaps blinded by their enthusiasm). The number of followers on Twitter has dramatically risen, as well as in other social media channels.

One of the main social media hubs of the project — our Discord channel — will soon be upgraded with a system of user ranks. Giant social media managers will also create additional channels and create the Giant.Proposals infrastructure. More articles explaining the basic gist of the changes will come out in few days.

In the previous paragraphs, we have mentioned that Giant has been working for three months. Giant Day One was 8 May 2018 — the launch of our blockchain network. On 8 August, we have told about this on Discord and even had a small contest dedicated to this date.

The website of the project is under redesign, and our users will soon see the results of the work of our Web designer. The brandbook describing the unified corporate style is actively being made, too.

Educational materials

In Giant, we believe that the public understanding of our products is one of the keys to success. This is why we have recently explained the mechanism of burning fees and its usefulness in a dedicated article. Our Giant Coin has infinite supply — how are you supposed to fight hyperinflation? The burning of reward fees is the answer Giant offers.

Cryptocurrency market observers can review the pros and cons of the Giant blockchain by referring to a comparative analysis we have also published during this sprint. Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, PIVX and Giant are reviewed by several important characteristics. Once again, you can find an explanation why Giant doesn’t view Ethereum smart contracts fully adequate for our tasks.

We are starting to familiarize our future users with the platform and answer the most frequent questions. Two additional articles have already been created and will be published soon. One of them outlines the basic principles of Giant.Exchange and binary options, while another contains hints on how you can make more money on this platform. The first one also tells about how the experience of binary options exchange creation may help when establishing a sports betting platform. The second one explains the difference between the oracles and ‘Oracle’ smart contracts and tells those who want to become a broker how to raise the interest of traders.

As already mentioned, new changes on Discord will also require clarification and new documents with explanatory remarks. The Giant team will keep you updated on the new rules.

Development progress

Despite the minor setbacks, the Giant Coin daemon unit tests have been updated — this means much better cryptocurrency operations. As a result, we now have just a few unpassed tests instead of previously reported 127. With our current resources, this can easily be turned into zero in the next few days. The sandbox for smart contracts and other crucial components of Giant blockchain have also been significantly improved. You can actually check out how it was done by reviewing our GitHub pages. The developers of Giant blockchain will continue their meritorious work on Giant.Exchange, they are also partly responsible for assessing the programming skills of the new members of Giant.

Non-English audience

Acknowledging that English is not the only language our potential clients may have as a native one, we have made several important steps towards the crypto market of China. Although the authorities of China have increased the pressure on the local market in the late 2017, the amount of people from this country who are interested in blockchain would be simply imprudent to ignore. We have registered our blog on several Chinese platforms, translated the aforementioned comparative analysis of Giant and other similar coins to Chinese, and accelerated our efforts in developing a full-fledged brand awareness-raising strategy of Giant in China. After this, we are going to file requests to add Giant coin to several exchanges working with Chinese traders.

Giant is currently outlining the tasks for the fifth sprint, we’ll keep you updated on our Discord channel and post materials similar to this one in the ‘Info’ → ‘News’ section of our website.


