Sprint #15 Backlog

Giant Project
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2019

Remember when 2020 was a date far in the future? Now we are separated from it by less than 365 days! This material is dedicated to the Giant goals throughout the first two business weeks of 2019 . We intend to preserve the achievements of 2018 and continue our stable evolution no matter what surprises the cryptocurrency market may show next. With our transparent work and consolidated efforts combined, Giant is sure to reach wider recognition!

Technologies Development

The Giant Coin (GIC) blockchain is under constant research by Dmitry — and this sprint, his attention will be focused on the code related to Superblocks creation mechanism and to voting on initiatives with the use of the Giant wallet client software.

Meanwhile, as we prepare to activate the Superblock funding of community proposals, Mikhail is going to review the governance mechanism of other cryptocurrency projects which use the masternodes technology. Unlike many other IT or fintech spheres, the cryptocurrency market is a large community with openly-shared development experience ripe for the taking. Ablai and Denis will, too, be engaged in governance matters: their task is to build a Governance section on the future Web platform of Giant.Exchange (GEX).

Together with Ablai, Pavel is working on Giant.Exchange: while Ablai continues to implement the basic functions of Giant.Exchange, Pavel is seeking to bring a good Giant.Exchange platform design to the future clients — and that probably means you as well.

As you can see from our articles and materials on Discord, Giant.Exchange binary options trading processes will be based on smart contracts. But the long-term task that project CEO Dmitry and JS Developer Alexei are intending to solve goes beyond this particular decentralized application: they need to be sure that the network of Giant contracts will be understandable and compatible with a large number of potential dApps which may be built on the Giant blockchain by independent developers. Alexei is currently researching the best practices of other financial cryptocurrency projects, their internal transaction classification and logic.

Social Media & Business Contacts

In this field, the Giant team will work towards further raising of public awareness about the project while not forgetting to inform the community about all latest changes and short-term plans. We have yet to find out four final variants of the Giant community vote on block rewards. Read the linked material to get an understanding of this vote background if you see the information about it for the first time. We appreciate active engagement and feedback on such an important issue.

We plan to improve a mechanism of confirming of a MN owner role. Keeping in mind the upcoming vote which will be partially held on Discord it has high priority. All the users will be updated with the instruction shortly.

Pavel and Mikhail are going to work on the marketing strategy of Giant.Exchange. One of the most prospective endeavors will be to establish communication with experienced binary options traders, as today, the majority of our supporters come from the cryptocurrency market. We are happy to say that valuable expertise comes from the Giant community too.

Contacting other projects for mutually-beneficial partnership agreements has always been and will remain a permanent marketing activity of Giant. We welcome any enterprises with the goals similar to ours — the establishment of a safe blockchain infrastructure for decentralized applications and the detoxification of the betting market with the help of blockchain.


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